President Donald Trump made comments in response to CBS’s Catherine Herridge that had the media going crazy with spin.
In interview with @realDonaldTrump, @CBS_Herridge asked the president why he thinks African Americans are still dying at the hands of law enforcement in this country. His answer is revealing. See more on @cbseveningnews and @cbsthismorning. pic.twitter.com/6VQFpqB8AT
— Ed O'Keefe (@edokeefe) July 14, 2020
Herridge asks about the death of George Floyd which the president says was horrible. Then she asked the question, “Why are African Americans still dying at the hands of law enforcement?”
Now I’m with Trump on this one, even though I love the heck out of Catherine Herridge who’s a brilliant reporter but the question implies in the nature of it that police are targeting African Americans. Which is why Trump responded with “more white people” are killed, which is also true, more white people are killed by police than are African Americans.
But you wouldn’t know that if you listened to the media and that’s been a missing part of the whole discussion going on.
Here are a couple of samples of the reaction to Trump’s remark.
Maggie Haberman at the New York Times:
The president asserts that “more” White people are killed by police than Black people https://t.co/m27Bc6Oda6
— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) July 14, 2020
What a sentence. It’s demonstrably true statement without even a question but she says Trump “asserts” it and she puts quotes around “more” as though the statement is in doubt.
Check out Reuters which clearly goes over the line here.
When asked about George Floyd’s death by CBS News, President Trump said it was terrible but stated more white than Black people are killed at the hands of police in the U.S., without giving any evidence of the claim pic.twitter.com/4vB01AfnVW
— Reuters (@Reuters) July 15, 2020
“Without giving any evidence of the claim.” Seriously? This is Reuters, not even CNN.
How much has media been done in by themselves with stuff like this?
I'm confused, what's the problem? That's factually accurate. This is the number of people shot to death by police by race 2017-2020. https://t.co/LvMJ6qdIsO pic.twitter.com/YKCucSjli2
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) July 14, 2020
He just said “more” – raw numbers – he wasn’t talking about proportionally to race in population or in proportion to involvement in crime or violent crime. That’s another discussion. But I wanted to make the point that they are so desirous of attacking him they will fire at him for things like this that are just unquestionably true.
What’s also missing is “killed” by police doesn’t explain that most of the people killed by police were armed and/or attacking the police. That’s another reason Herridge’s question, stripped of that context is so bad, it doesn’t deal with the question of self-defense or whether the officer was under attack.
If you leave all that out, if you even question basic unquestioned fact, you’re pushing a political narrative and you need to be checked.
For shame, media, any of you that went this route.
HT: Twitchy
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