Father Whose Teenaged Son Was Killed in Seattle Autonomous Zone Didn't Get Call From Mayor, But Did Get Call from Trump

Fox News
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Horace Lorenzo Anderson Sr. speak to Sean Hannity about the killing of his son, Horace Lorenzo Anderson Jr, in Seattle.

One of the most troubling things about the response of Seattle officials to the radicals setting up an autonomous zone and seizing the six city blocks was the utter lack of concern for the ordinary residents and businesses the city left subjected to the chaos, for the lives of anyone there in the area, including the people participating.


Instead the mayor chastised those who were concerned, including President Donald Trump.

Even after the first teen was murdered in the area and then the second, with other people wounded as well, Mayor Jenny Durkan didn’t actually do anything until radicals marched on her home and were bothering her. Then, she was moved to finally shut down the zone.

Too little, too late for the folks who were hurt, because of her lack of care.

Yesterday was a memorial for Horace Lorenzo Anderson, Jr., the 19 year old, the first person killed in the zone.

As we reported, Horace Lorenzo Anderson, Sr. went on Sean Hannity’s show a couple of nights ago and was just grief-stricken, as any father might be. Anderson told Hannity he was the first person who had expressed sympathy that he hadn’t heard from the city officials and no one had told him what happened to his son.

At the memorial for his son yesterday, Anderson said he hadn’t heard from the mayor or any officials. But he had heard from one elected official – Donald Trump.


Good for Trump for calling this dad who really needed to know someone in officialdom cared. How kind to reach out to this grief-stricken dad. Trump had been calling for the zone to be shut down from the beginning, knowing it was going to be a problem. Too bad the mayor decided to pander to the leftists and didn’t listen. Even after finally having the police clear the zone, she praised the weeks of “peaceful protest” there.

This didn’t need to happen. The mayor, the city and the other folks in the zone owe this father a lot of answers as to why his son is dead.


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