Democrats are just losing their minds, both with the DOJ dropping of the charges against Gen. Michael Flynn, and with all the new information and documents coming out showing both Obama officials who lied about Russia collusion and the involvement of Barack Obama in the Flynn case.
On top of that, Barr made it very clear, again, that U.S. Attorney John Durham was looking at the actions in the Flynn case and the “whole pattern of conduct” behind the Russia collusion investigation.
How panicked are they? Pretty panicked.
House Judiciary Committee Democrats are now trying to take out Attorney General Bill Barr with a letter to the Inspector General, claiming that the DOJ’s decision to drop the case against Flynn is somehow improper or political.
NEW: House Judiciary Cmte. Democrats write to DOJ inspector general calling for investigation into AG Barr’s “improper political interference into several ongoing criminal matters against President Trump's allies.” pic.twitter.com/TbZBikNbAJ
— NBC Politics (@NBCPolitics) May 8, 2020
Imagine the utter gall of that. Barr’s office unraveling the utterly slimy actions of the Obama administration is “political” but Obama officials’ actions apparently are not.
This from the party that employed James Comey, Loretta Lynch, and Eric Holder, those paragons of “non-partisanship” (let’s just forget how Holder was held in contempt of Congress and called Obama his “wingman”).
Talk about partisanship — they are literally targeting an AG because they don’t like his investigation and they’re afraid it’s getting too close to their guys. They are guilty of the very things of which they accuse others.
They accuse Barr of improper political interference as they indeed try to improperly politically interfere.
As my colleague, streiff, pointed out, the fury of the left yesterday after the Flynn decision was sweet. But perhaps with no one was it sweeter than with House Judiciary Chair Jerry Nadler (Donuts-NY).
“The decision to drop the charges against General Flynn is outrageous. The evidence against General Flynn is overwhelming. He pleaded guilty to lying to investigators. And now a politicized and thoroughly corrupt Department of Justice is going to let the President’s crony simply walk away. Americans are right to be furious and worried about the continued erosion of our rule of law.
“Even in the height of a national emergency — perhaps especially so — our country requires an impartial justice system. We are not supposed to get special treatment because we are friends with the President or refused to cooperate with federal investigators on his behalf. The decision to overrule the special counsel is without precedent and requires immediate explanation.
“In light of the ongoing pandemic, I worked with the Department to delay our scheduled hearing with the Attorney General. It is my intent to reschedule that hearing as soon as possible. I will also ask the Inspector General for the Department of Justice to investigate this matter. The integrity of our criminal justice system is at stake, and the American people deserve answers.”
Nadler isn’t even worthy to walk in the shadow of Bill Barr, much less has he ever been a match for Barr. Barr outclasses him in every way, from intelligence to morality. They are so afraid because they know they can’t intimidate him.
Betting that this gif is close to the reaction that Barr had to the letter.
Bill Barr is awesome. pic.twitter.com/J352wiIVsg
— Allen (@Allen_Masked) May 8, 2020
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