Have you wondered what a conflict of interest and what a violation of journalistic ethics it is, that for weeks now, CNN’s Chris Cuomo has been interviewing his older brother New York Governor Andrew Cuomo?
Apparently, neither CNN or Chris Cuomo aren’t terribly concerned about the ethics of it all.
Here’s Cuomo in 2013 saying how he wouldn’t interview his brother if it involved anything that could be a “conflict” or something in his political career that raised a question.
Yet he’s been interviewing him for weeks about his response in New York to the Wuhan coronavirus. Has he asked him once about the order in New York requiring nursing homes to accept people who’ve tested positive for the virus? And how there are now thousands dead in the nursing homes? There were 3500 reported deaths from the virus in nursing homes last week and now 1700 more have been added this week.
But today, he did get to the important questions. He pumped up how the media has been praising the governor, going on “Ellen” or “on the cover of Rolling Stone.” Because, bizarrely, in the mind of the media, the man who has the most number of virus deaths in his state, perhaps directly attributable to the actions of his own administration in regard to the nursing homes, that’s the guy they’re lauding as a hero or “presidential” material. It’s upside down land. Chris of course played that up. No conflict there, right?
This is embarrassing, to say the least.
You're feeling pretty good about yourself these days, aren't you @NYGovCuomo ? pic.twitter.com/E82jNFYV6b
— Christopher C. Cuomo (@ChrisCuomo) May 6, 2020
Imagine what the media would have done if President Donald Trump had said something like this. Cuomos yucking it up with saying “You’re feeling pretty good about yourself,” with over 25,000 deaths in New York. Priorities.
"You're feeling pretty good about yourself, aren't you?" Fredo says to his bro with a laugh.
I know he has been under strict quarantine but has Fredo heard New York added 1,700 to the total deaths in nursing homes? Does he know the guy he was giggling with is largely responsible? https://t.co/VJzNd8CcrP— Gerry Callahan (@GerryCallahan) May 6, 2020
Tweedle Dum interviews Tweedle Order #coronavirus patients into nursing homes to cause the death of thousands and it oddly doesn't come up. But they did joke around a lot. Remember when the Post did that story on Trump not being mournful enough? Governor Ground Zero chuckles… https://t.co/qanIBdSW4K
— Derek Hunter (@derekahunter) May 6, 2020
Entertaining, but also embarrassing for a news network.
Instead being asked about why he didn't have subways cleaned daily until 5 days ago or why his state put nursing home residents in danger by forcing facilities to accept COVID patients, Cuomo jokes around w his brother. https://t.co/TFk36RdqoU
— (((AG))) (@AGHamilton29) May 6, 2020
This fake razzing between Chris Cuomo and Andrew Cuomo while Chris Cuomo hypes Andrew's popularity is so gross from a news network. State TV level stuff https://t.co/X8cP7wB8zC
— Peter J. Hasson (@peterjhasson) May 6, 2020
CNN: "Fox News is literally state TV"
Also CNN: https://t.co/P7akEJrb6f
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) May 6, 2020
We all know if it had in fact been Trump or any other Republican, CNN would have run a chyron with the number of nursing home deaths at the bottom, rebutting him as he spoke with a CNN host intoning how the politician in question was not taking the deaths seriously.
HT: Twitchy
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