Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., right, with his wife Jane, raises his hand as he speaks during a campaign event in San Antonio, Saturday, Feb. 22, 2020. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)
It’s been interesting watching some more Democrats and Never Trump Republican/former Republican folks come to the realization that Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is quite likely to be the nominee of the Democratic Party, leaving them with the choice between voting for him or for President Donald Trump.
As we reported, folks like Bill Kristol, now a Democrat, and Jennifer Rubin, still seem to be in the meltdown, shock and denial phase.
Others like Joe Walsh, the guy who just ran as a Republican in a primary before dropping out against the president, have already moved on to the acceptance phase, he’s all in for the socialist if it means beating Trump. Hint, Joe? It doesn’t. It means Democrats’ chances of winning just got exponentially worse, plus you just endorsed a socialist.
But Never Trump “conservative” Tom Nichols takes it even another step. Nichols, a professor at the Naval War College, has been virulently anti-Trump for years. So how does he weigh in with this decision?
First, we note who he’s looked to for solace.
For months, @JRubinBlogger was the person who's been talking me off the ledge. https://t.co/LhvVOyXwFB
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) February 22, 2020
But here’s his take.
Rhode Island's primary isn't until late, so I get to register as a Democrat to cast a protest vote in the primary against Sanders as the inevitable nominee, who I will then vote for as a protest against the incumbent.
Good job everyone
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) February 23, 2020
Alrighty, now. What sense does that make? Nothing requires you to vote for a socialist, except your TDS. If you do, you can’t call yourself a conservative. It also means that you have no realization that the more you open the door to socialism/communism, the harder it is to close it, the more it takes over. And if you are so consumed with hate for Trump that you can’t see that, stop it and protect your country, then you have real issues.
But even though he’s going to vote for Sanders if he’s the nominee, he still understands what it means if he does.
Which says that you really do not understand what is happening
— Scott McMorrow (@scottmcmorrow) February 23, 2020
Yes, I do: Trump is winning again.
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) February 23, 2020
It’s likely to be very McGovern-like. For those who don’t know the history of that, the left at that time in 1972 got the candidate they wanted, George McGovern, powered by leftist anti-war sentiment, with a small, but vocal minority, very like the Bernie base pushing his rise. McGovern was decimated, 60.7 percent to 37.5 percent to Richard Nixon in the second biggest landslide in history up to that point.
HT: Twitchy
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