Democratic presidential candidate, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg speaks to campaign workers and supporters in Minneapolis Thursday, Jan. 23, 2020, as he opens the first field office in Minnesota and meets with local community leaders and voters to share his vision for the country. (AP Photo/Jim Mone)
Can we say that some in the media seem to be all in for Mike Bloomberg?
Well, at least one outlet seems to be. Perhaps not a surprise, given the outlet.
Check this out.
Bloomberg campaign says it’s a two-man race for the nomination per Bloomberg the news organization owned and controlled by Bloomberg pic.twitter.com/4x2zg06Bgx
— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) February 18, 2020
Bloomberg campaign says it’s a two-man race for the nomination. Per Bloomberg Media, the news organization owned and controlled by Mike Bloomberg. Alrighty now.
We’ve talked about the closeness of Democrats and media, but when you actually are the media and the candidate, that’s perhaps just a bit too close.
When Bloomberg entered the race, Bloomberg Media had issued a statement saying that they wouldn’t be reporting on the primary race because of his involvement.
What happened to that pledge? Because this surely looks not only like reporting on it, but promoting Bloomberg.
It’s not at all sure that it’s a “two-man race” yet, Bloomberg is only debating for the first time tonight in Las Vegas. We will be live blogging that event and it remains to be seen how Bloomberg will do.
Then, another skeevy move is the multiple ads Bloomberg has bought that suggest Barack Obama has endorsed him.
Here’s a sample:
Reportedly, some Democrats who saw it are now leaning Bloomberg because they think that Obama has endorsed him because Bloomberg has bought a tremendous amount of airtime of these ads. But Obama has not endorsed anyone so the ad is pretty shady to use old clips of what Obama said about Bloomberg to suggest he has.
I keep encountering Dem voters who like Mike Bloomberg because he’s been endorsed by Barack Obama. Fake news and the power of saturation TV ads.
— Larry Sabato (@LarrySabato) February 18, 2020
Needless to say, Obama’s actual Vice President, Joe Biden was a tad miffed over these ads.
Here’s his response, busting Bloomberg and picking apart all the claims in the Bloomberg ad.
Welcome to the debates, Mike. We have a lot to catch up on about Barack Obama’s record. pic.twitter.com/bMYPLYwnfQ
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) February 19, 2020
Unfortunately, he doesn’t have the ad buy or the money of Bloomberg to correct the ads.
But you can bet that Biden and the others may have a few things to say about it tonight at the debate. Expect all to be targeting Bloomberg at the debate. The Democratic presidential debate is tonight at 9 pm Eastern time. Here’s how to watch. Also, make sure to tune in for live commentary from me, my RedState colleagues, and your fellow RS commenters starting at 8:45.
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