Watch: Biden Has Difficulty Remembering the Year He Was Last Elected

Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden campaigns on Sunday, Dec. 29, 2019, in Peterborough, N.H. (AP Photo/Mary Schwalm)

Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden campaigns on Sunday, Dec. 29, 2019, in Peterborough, N.H. (AP Photo/Mary Schwalm)


At this point, presidential candidate Joe Biden has had more than his share of “gaffes” and moments of confusion.


This has caused many to believe there’s a continuing issue that’s certainly problematic for a presidential candidate.

The latest one reported today is not good.

Biden was trying to explain how he was waiting for Barack Obama to pick him up for his second inauguration.

But he couldn’t remember what year that was. And still couldn’t seem to get it right when he tried to correct it.

That’s pretty bad. That’s not a product of “stuttering,” as some have tried to excuse his gaffes. He then finished by explaining how he was “waiting for a black man” to go be inaugurated.

Even his fellow candidates have pointed it out.

Here are then-candidates Julian Castro and Sen. Cory Booker:


Castro caught flak for it, but he was right and that was probably one of the least of the many, many “gaffes.” You shouldn’t be so concerned about having a “viable” Democratic candidate that you’re ignoring all the warning signs.

Booker brought up the odd “record player” comment made by Biden.

As the Daily Wire observed, Dr. Marc Siegel, who was clear about not having examined Biden and not being able to make any medical conclusion as to him personally, made a general comment in September about people who have had the surgery Biden had for brain aneurysms that later in life they can then have cognitive issues.


Biden also has demonstrated not just the inability to remember things and confusion, but anger and oppositional behavior. When confronted by a voter with a challenging question about his son, Hunter, Joe Biden lashed out at the voter, calling him “fat” and “too old.” Last week, he turned on a reporter who was asking him a question about his son, yelled “why” multiple times in his face while grabbing his lapels and then lightly punched him in the chest. This week at an event in Iowa, a voter who was for Tom Steyer tried to ask him about climate change and again Biden got mad, told him to vote for someone else and stuck his finger in the man’s chest.

Biden also said on Tuesday that whoever he potentially picked as a running mate if he won the nomination would have to be qualified because “I’m an old guy.”

From Daily Wire:

“I can think of at least eight women, at least four or five people of color, that I think are totally qualified to be vice president of the United States,” Biden said. “But for me, it has to be demonstrated that whoever I pick is two things.”

“One, is capable of being president, because I’m an old guy,” Biden said as the crowd laughed. “No, I’m serious. Look, thank God I’m in great health, I work out, no I’m serious, you know I work out every morning. I’m in good shape.


It’s hard to know medically if what Siegel mentioned is what’s going on here, since we haven’t had a doctor examining Biden offering up a conclusion.

But it is clear that there is a problem.


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