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Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) seems to have dug herself a deeper hole in the controversy with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) about who said what and who lied.
Warren said Sanders told her that he didn’t think a woman could win the presidency. Sanders denied ever saying it. Some media appeared to immediately favor Warren, despite her history of lying.
"You're saying that you never told Sen. Warren that a woman could not win the election?"
Bernie: "That is correct”
“What did you think when Sen. Sanders told you a woman could not win the election?"
CNN basically called Bernie a liar.#CNNisGarbage
pic.twitter.com/7t2cOLS3iW— Benny (@bennyjohnson) January 15, 2020
Then after the recent debate, they had a hot mic throw down moment that seemed set up, may have hurt them both and put their various supporters at odds.
Here’s the hot mic audio of what Elizabeth Warren said to Bernie Sanders last night: pic.twitter.com/RXuU6jBfBZ
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) January 16, 2020
But today, a CBS reporter assigned to follow Warren on the campaign trail managed to ask her a great question.
Zak Hudak asked her if it was “disqualifying” for a presidential candidate to lie to the American people. What a terrific question, especially given the candidate he was asking.
“How could the American people want someone who lies to them?” @ewarren says after I asked if it’s disqualifying for a presidential candidate to lie to the American people about anything pic.twitter.com/b4AxH5Bq1m
— Zak Hudak (@cbszak) January 19, 2020
Warren, looking like she was stuck between a rock and a hard place, finally sputtered out an answer, “I would think that…How could the American people want someone who lies to them? Um, I think that we just do our best every day. And I hope that’s what happens with everyone.”
Boy, did she just put her foot in her mouth, big time, with that answer. How completely lacking in self-awareness, given that her history of lying.
From lying about being Native American to even lying about lying about whether her child went to public school, she’s a mess. When caught with a DNA test about the lying, she even lied and spun that as proof of her claim and not the debunking it really was.
Hi Zak. This is where you and other members of the press gaggle asked about why she pretended to be an American Indian for 25 years, or why she removed and vanished her DNA results which she said confirmed that, right?
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) January 19, 2020
Was the follow up question “Does this mean you are dropping out?” and if not, why not?!?!?!
— tarksmarks44 (@tarksmarks44) January 19, 2020
Now this is truly hilarious!
The part Cherokee-lost job for being pregnant-never sent her son to private school phony senator from Massachusetts.
Seem to recall Warren promising Mass. voters that she was only interested in being their senator and would fulfill her term. Liar.
— Linda Sue (@hyannis1952) January 19, 2020
She clearly thinks this question is about Bernie, Biden or Trump. Her lack of self-awareness and irony is astonishing.
— Kristin MD (@Kristin_MD) January 19, 2020
You lied to all of us about being Native American, but go off. https://t.co/If0rSrr6Pe
— Abigail Marone (@abigailmarone) January 19, 2020
Clearly Americans do not want Elizabeth "Fauxcahontas" Warren, who lies about not raising taxes on the Middle Class, who suddenly had to stop telling her signature campaign trail story about getting "fired" from a teaching gig when that lie was exposedhttps://t.co/HSWcrsgc9a
— Elizabeth Harrington (@LizRNC) January 19, 2020
Person who went on a multi-week apology tour for lying to the American people: https://t.co/gxqZYFcrR3
— Chris Martin (@chrisjdmartin) January 19, 2020
Warren explains in just a few words why no American should vote for her https://t.co/Yuv9bHmu0P
— Dinesh D'Souza (@DineshDSouza) January 19, 2020
You are like the original Rachel Dolezal… pic.twitter.com/SDnPWiPaOl
— Heather Champion (@winningatmylife) January 19, 2020
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