Former US President Barack Obama attends a town hall meeting at the ‘European School For Management And Technology’ (ESMT) in Berlin, Germany, Saturday, April 6, 2019. (AP Photo/Michael Sohn)
Democrats and many in blue check media land have been going after the Trump administration for killing IRGC Qasem Soleimani without “congressional approval.”
Trump didn’t need congressional approval as even Obama DHS head Jeh Johnson admitted. There was ample justification – immediate prior attacks on Americans, planned future attacks, designated terrorist, enemy combatant, etc.
Indeed, the argument is just silly and the fact that some are making it shows just how far out they will go if it means having a hook to attack President Donald Trump.
But Deputy Press Secretary Hogan Gidley reminded them about the history of Barack Obama killing, all without any congressional approval. Gidley reminded them about how silent they all were about those actions.
Soleimani was, in fact, planning "imminent attacks." While Democrats and the media quibble over its definition, quick point: When Obama killed bin Laden, al-Awlaki and Gaddafi, without Congressional approval, there were NO "imminent attacks" and Democrats did not ask or care.
— Hogan Gidley (@hogangidley45) January 10, 2020
So check the people who don’t appear to know any history. Or simply want to spread a false narrative.
Like, just do a google search, man.
Obama didn't kill Gaddafi. Libyans did.
Obama didn't need to claim an "imminent attack" in either the al-Awlaki or bin Laden killing.
You know why? Because there was explicit congressional approval to target Al Qaeda leaders. https://t.co/g2UE6NkCkc
— Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) January 10, 2020
Gaddafi wasn’t killed by the US https://t.co/y87kUXOCoi
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) January 10, 2020
Beyond this being factually false, it also completely ignores the fact that Obama was candid with Congress about the factual underpinnings of the threat, whereas Trump appears to be obfuscating and lying. https://t.co/MdB2qthqKq
— Susan Hennessey (@Susan_Hennessey) January 10, 2020
Obama did not kill Gaddafi. What? https://t.co/K9iWIbgmys
— Josh Dawsey (@jdawsey1) January 10, 2020
How can they not keep recent history in their heads?
Obama basically got involved in an undeclared war in Libya, bombing in the country for months based on a UN resolution but without any Congressional approval. The U.S. had a predator drone strafe Muammar Gaddafi’s convoy, incapacitating it, allowing U.S. backed rebels on the ground to grab him and kill him. We even had CIA guys who had been on the ground looking for him.
Gaddafi was no imminent threat to the U.S. at that point at all. And it wasn’t about what he’d done to us in the past; it was completely involving us in a civil war to try to pick the winners. And afterward, the country spiraled out of control, just another one of those Obama “non-scandals” and “great successes.”
Many of the same folks going after Trump now were just fine with what Obama did.
Media had no trouble admitting it at the time, even giving Obama credit for it.
Sorry, Marco: Gaddafi drone-bombed from Las Vegas, not Paris http://t.co/wI6SBFoA
— Joy Reid (@JoyAnnReid) October 21, 2011
MT @AnnCurry US officials tell NBC News a US Predator drone fired hellfire missile at convoy carrying Khadafy, who was then captured.
— NBC News (@NBCNews) October 20, 2011
Can we ever forget this?
Hillary Clinton on Gaddafi's death: "We came, we saw, he died."
CBS reporter: "Did it have anything to do with your visit?"
Clinton: "I'm sure it did." pic.twitter.com/SJURJ5Vr06
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) January 10, 2020
So what’s changed? Do we even have to spell it out?
HT: Twitchy
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