FILE – In this Sept. 7, 2016 file photo, Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, D-Fla. speaks during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington. An FBI investigation and congressional probes into the Trump campaign and contacts with Russia continue to shadow the administration, each new development a focus of White House press briefings and attention on Capitol Hill. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh, File)
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) gave an interview on CNN on Friday that takes a lot of gall, given her past history.
First, the CNN anchor set the stage, terming President Donald Trump as “seething” and asking Wasserman Schultz if that “justified” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s decision to abuse the her power, sit on the articles of impeachment and obstruct the Constitutional process, denying the president a fair trial.
Wasserman Schultz said, yes, it did, approving of Pelosi violating the Constitution, and then had the temerity to accuse Trump of not caring about the rule of law, “fairness and justice.”
"When you swear an oath to be impartial, you're supposed to mean it," Oversight Committee member Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz says of a likely impeachment trial in the Senate. "The reason that you have a trial… is so that your initial opinion can be shaped by that evidence." pic.twitter.com/0Zhixz2bs5
— CNN Newsroom (@CNNnewsroom) December 27, 2019
She falsely then claims he broke appropriations law, when in fact, the money was not ultimately withheld and Ukraine never went without aid. She claims he did it to pressure Ukraine into investigating his political rival, with the Ukrainians say did not happen and no testimony supported that there was ever such a quid pro quo, “to interfere in the 2020 election.”
Then Wasserman Schultz attacked him for remarks Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) about “coordinating” on the impeachment trial, claiming they were trying to “rig” the trial.
The CNN anchor did call her out on that a little pointing out how Schumer himself said senators weren’t impartial jurors back during the Clinton impeachment, indeed he ran for his Senate seat arguing he would acquit Bill Clinton. As we reported earlier, Democrats did in fact coordinate on multiple levels with the Clinton White House.
She claims that they are being denied “witnesses” by Trump and because they didn’t have a similar investigation to that of Ken Starr. But that’s exactly the problem with the Democrats’ argument – they were so busy trying to impeach, they didn’t bother to get evidence, they didn’t even have an independent counsel checking into this, they had no real crime charged or even though of before going into the “impeachment inquiry.” With Clinton, they had 11 charges, with actual crimes, found by Ken Starr before an impeachment inquiry even started.
She references an email from Michael Duffey. But in addition to the fact that no aid was ultimately withheld, what she leaves out is that the email specifically calls it a temporary “pause” and says it “will not preclude DOD’s timely execution of of the final policy direction.” As we previously reported, it doesn’t say what DWS claims at all, in fact, it indicates the opposite.
It isn’t the Senate’s obligation to make up for all the weaknesses in the Democrats’ case, the Senate has control over the trial.
But it’s incredibly ironic that Wasserman Schultz of all people would talk about “rigging” anything. Didn’t she get fired as chair of the Democratic National Committee for her actions favoring or “rigging” it for Hillary Clinton and stomping on Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)?
Not to mention, wasn’t it Wasserman Schultz who was still in charge of the DNC when they helped to fund opposition research dossier by a foreign national with information from Russians to undermine Donald Trump and “interfere” in the 2016 election?
Perhaps not the best person to make any such argument…
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