Prepare for the huge meltdown from folks on the left.
The Washington Nationals went to the White House today to be recognized for winning the World Series by President Donald Trump.
Crowd gatthered on South Lawn for @POTUS tribute to @nationals. Teams's presidential mascots on hand too. pic.twitter.com/EffWRheJ9V
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) November 4, 2019
A first: @marineband plays "Baby Shark" song as @Nationals are introduced onto the White House balcony for their tribute. pic.twitter.com/g7LqOaGHCj
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) November 4, 2019
Pres notes record crowd on South Lawn for the @nationals. "This is a record," he says. Mentions the last time DC had a world series championship, the president was Calvin Coolidge. Says its the @nationals franchise first championship and predicts it'll be "the first of many." pic.twitter.com/XuSBVqzjM0
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) November 4, 2019
When crowd on South Lawn chants "four more years," @POTUS says he'll take that to mean "four more World Series wins." pic.twitter.com/IuCkyqvZAC
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) November 4, 2019
That was all pretty standard but then came this.
Nationals first baseman Ryan Zimmerman thanks President Trump for "keeping everyone here safe in our country" and "continuing to make America the greatest country to live in the world." pic.twitter.com/b4QLCbrkvO
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) November 4, 2019
“I’d like to thank you for having us here,” Zimmerman said. “This is an incredible honor that all of us will never forget. And we’d also like to thank you for keeping everyone here safe in our country and continuing to make America the greatest country to live in the world.” He then gave Trump a Nationals jersey with his name and a 45 on it.
Oh, my.
And then there was Kurt Suzuki wearing a MAGA hat.
What a moment!@realDonaldTrump and @kurtsuzuki just became BFF’spic.twitter.com/YUtNgKmcDq
— Scott Abraham (@ScottABC7) November 4, 2019
He got a hug from Trump for that, who added that he didn’t know Suzuki was going to do that.
Nationals catcher Kurt Suzuki dons a 'Make America Great Again' hat at the WH, and Pres Trump hugs him: pic.twitter.com/YQMkhTAhkp
— Frank Thorp V (@frankthorp) November 4, 2019
Davey Martinez is also laughing back there.
Liberal heads are EXPLODING right now. https://t.co/6wwknQwdXS
— RBe (@RBPundit) November 4, 2019
Many loved it and realized it took a certain amount of courage from both players to express their opinion while on a team from D.C., a completely liberal bastion.
But those on the left were immediately triggered and naturally showed their typical intolerance for views other than their own. Suzuki immediately started trending on Twitter with leftists “cancelling” him and others coming to his defense.
Pathetic https://t.co/Et195Nl3Rw
— Soledad O'Brien (@soledadobrien) November 4, 2019
Congratulations @Nationals. You have now squandered all the good will you had among non-racist, non-corrupt, non-misogynist baseball fans. Well done. https://t.co/P5SNQOfreK
— Wendy Thurm (@wendythurm) November 4, 2019
kurt suzuki undoing all the good will his last name earned being included in verses during the golden age of hip-hop
— Desus Nice (@desusnice) November 4, 2019
Warning for graphic language:
Well that’s sane. Not.
Exactly this! Once you’re not willing to be their model minority they’re done with you. Can’t imagine what this guy was thinking.
— Sean Hart (@Heartonice) November 4, 2019
Boy, that’s a lack of self-awareness there.
Here’s a little sanity for the left. But they wouldn’t listen.
n.b. kurt suzuki, japanese-american, and sean doolittle, who declined to attend today's white house nats celebration for political reasons, are good friends and in fact formed a battery back for doo's first pitch.
politics is not everything. only the twitterati think it is.
— The Nats Won The World Series (@EsotericCD) November 4, 2019
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