It started out a simple, harmless Happy Thanksgiving from the Washington Redskins. That’s all. “Happy Thanksgiving” with the team logo was what they Tweeted out on Thanksgiving morning.
What came as a result was a remarkable display of anger and hate from the radicals.
Wishing you and your family a Happy #Thanksgiving.
— Washington Redskins (@Redskins) November 26, 2015
The hate that spewed out in response to this tweet started out as simple criticism of the Redskins, but over time it branched out into raw anti-Americanism.
— Roma (@RickiRoma) November 26, 2015
— #RelearnYourCulture (@marthauprise) November 26, 2015
— Mike D (@Sandrark86) November 26, 2015
You @Redskins owners/fans are racist. #Thanksgiving was born on genocide&enslavement of natives. Hey Dan Snyder, you celebrate #HolocaustDay
— Yo-G (@TheRealYoG) November 26, 2015
@DeionGottaSTFU this is white devilry.
— Lauren Chief Elk (@ChiefElk) November 26, 2015
It’s not that the Redskins critics hate the name. It’s just that they hate America. Remember that.
In conclusion, I’d like to suggest that kfromaz in the Disqus thread at The Hill has the right idea:
The Washington Redskins are changing their name because of all the negativity, shame, humiliation, dissent, polarity, adversity, defiance, hatred, animosity, contempt,
discrimination, division, violence, counter-productivity, ill-spirit, un-Godliness, and hostility associated with their name.So, from now on they will be known simply as the Redskins.
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