Alvin Greene (D CAND, SC-SEN) up on felony charge.

You know, South Carolinian political shenanigans are ever so much more fun when they’re not aimed at anybody on your side:

South Carolina’s surprise Democratic nominee to challenge U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint is facing a pending felony charge.

Court records show 32-year-old Alvin Greene was arrested in November and charged with showing obscene Internet photos to a University of South Carolina student. The felony charge carries up to five years in prison.


No, I don’t know why anybody would bother further ensuring DeMint’s re-election: this goes far beyond ‘belt-and-suspenders’ and well into ‘plate armor’ territory.  But, seriously: where did this guy come from, where did he get the money to run…  and why has all of this been done for this race?  Is this some form of bizarre political performance art?

Moe Lane

PS: Yeah, I know: between Alexi Giannoulias’ bank loan problem, Charlie Crist’s best-buddy-up-on-fraud-charges problem, and Joe Sestak’s the administration-tried-to-bribe-me problem (not to mention Andrew Romanoff’s)… we’re one felony arrest away from it becoming a default assumption for opponents to 2010 GOP Senatorial candidates*.  Done any gunrunning lately, Robin Carnahan?

*Much like we assume income tax evasion for Obama administration officials.

Crossposted to Moe Lane.


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