"For years, the left advanced utter untruths for cheap partisan purposes that it knew at the time were all false. And now when caught, they just shrug and say they were lying all along."
Such is the summation of conservative political commentator Victor Davis Hanson with respect to the bottom-line truth about the insidious lies of the left — including the Biden administration, Congressional Democrats, and of course the left-wing, so-called "legacy media" — from the moment Donald Trump announced his candidacy for the presidency in June 2015.
While the biggest and most harmful of those lies have been well-documented, the Democrats and their left-wing comrades in the media, academia, and even in the medical field, have never apologized to the American people for, as VDH wrote, "permanently damaging the United States."
First, let's revisit some of the most consequential lies the left has knowingly pushed.
Russian 'Collusion' Hoax and Hillary Clinton
In addition to blatantly lying, Democrats — like children — are masters of deflection, meaning they project on others (Donald Trump and conservatives) what they themselves are guilty of doing. Nowhere was that more apparent than in the Democrat Party's narrative that Trump "colluded" with "the Russians" to rig the 2016 presidential election.
Just one problem.
Special counsel John Durham’s damning report on the Russian hoax concluded there was no basis to immediately launch a full-fledged investigation against Trump; that the FBI failed to follow up on intelligence reports that Hillary Clinton had approved a plan to manufacture the hoax, and that her campaign funded opposition research to supply the FBI and media with the false narrative; and that FBI leaders willingly subverted FBI policy, quashed investigations into Clinton’s potential violations of the law, and more.
Hunter Biden's Infamous Laptop
Surely, the Democrats declared Hunter Biden's infamous laptop was actually part of a "Russian disinformation plot." Serial liars like Sen. Adam Schiff (CA), a congressman at the time, continually promised "smoking gun" proof more times than I can remember. Unfortunately (for the left), every one of Schiff's promises (lies) went up in smoke. Meanwhile, the left-wing media continued to parrot the lies.
Just one problem.
As VDH wrote, by 2017, the public knew three truths about the so-called Christopher Steele dossier:
One, it was completely fallacious — fabricated by a has-been, ex-British spy Christopher Steele.
He childishly had cobbled together lurid sex stories, James Bond spy fictions and Russian-fed disinformation to destroy the Trump candidacy and later presidency.
Two, it was paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign.
She hid her checks behind the Democratic National Committee, the Perkins Coie law firm, and Fusion GPS paywalls.
Three, the FBI under James Comey hired Steele as an informant.
It helped disseminate his concocted files and was also instrumental in trying to subvert the Trump campaign and later administration.
Here's the thing: the Democrats and their media pals knew they were lying, we knew they were lying, and they knew we knew they were lying.
So why did they continue to lie, the more obvious their prior lies became?
Here's the dirty little non-secret secret of the left: Democrats couldn't care less whether or not we believe their lies, but they very much care about low-information Democrat voters believing their lies — which are tirelessly pushed by the left-wing media.
Biden's Intentional Illegal Alien Crisis
Cast your mind back to Joe Biden's 2016 basement presidential campaign.
For months, Biden virtually promised to welcome illegal aliens to cross the Southern border any way they could. As I wrote at the time, he might as well have stationed welcoming mariachi bands all along the border, and supplied piñatas full of candy for the kiddos.
Welp, sans the mariachi bans and piñatas, that was exactly what happened, as millions of illegal aliens continued to stream across an open and unsecured border that Team Biden continued to insist (lie about) was closed and secured.
Some 12 million illegal aliens later, a growing number of whom continued to commit horrific crimes against American citizens, Biden and his administration continued to lie, eventually claiming congressional legislation was required to stop the flow of illegals into the country.
Just one problem.
Within days of Trump's inauguration, he stopped what Biden had deliberately engineered (and lied about) for four years.
COVID-19 and Anthony Fauci
"Once it was known that the first COVID-19 case originated in or near a Chinese communist virology lab engineering gain-of-function deadly viruses, with help from Western agencies," wrote VDH, "the left went into full persecution mode."
They damned as incompetent, racist and conspiratorial any who dared follow logic and evidence to point out that the Chinese government and its military were both culpable for the virus and lying.
A million Americans died of COVID. Millions more suffered long-term injuries.
The lies were designed to protect the guilty, such as Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins. The Biden government also tried to use the lab theory to ridicule a supposedly pro-Trump “conspiracy.”
Western corporate interests deeply invested in China did not want their partner held responsible for veritably killing and maiming hundreds of millions worldwide.
And last but certainly not least...
The Cover-Up of Biden's Cognitive Decline
Beginning with Biden's basement presidential campaign, and becoming more and more obvious after his January 20, 2021, inauguration, the left was well aware of his steady mental deterioration.
And that was precisely the point:
The Democrats and their media, knowing Biden was in steady decline, frantically and deliberately worked to cover it up — from limiting his public appearances and press conferences to firing up the lies and propaganda machine to "prove" that the dazed and confused president was sharp as a tack. No one bought the lies, including the left, whether Democrats admitted it or not.
The lies and cover-ups were largely responsible for the most disastrous four years in modern presidency history, and the salient objective of those lies and cover-ups was to keep Biden — "designed as a waxen figure," VDH wrote, "for hard-left agendas that, without the “old Joe Biden from Scranton” pseudo-moderate veneer, could never have been advanced."
The end result was the most disastrous four years in modern U.S. presidential history:
His handlers operated a nightmare administration: the destruction of deterrence abroad, two theater wars, 12 million illegal aliens, a weaponized justice system, hyperinflation and $7 trillion more in debt.
In his final summation, VDH wrote:
All these lies have divided the country and permanently damaged the United States. The perpetrators have neither apologized for their lies nor tried to either deny or substantiate them. No one involved has ever been held legally accountable. The legacy media permanently ruined its reputation and will likely never be seen as credible again. The Biden administration, overseer of many of these lies, will be regarded as the most duplicitous and dishonest presidency in modern history.
While one might argue that since Biden is no longer president and Donald Trump is, America can rest easy in the Second Age of Trump. That assumption is not only flawed; it's also dangerous and irresponsible.
ALSO READ: Lying Lies: No, Sen. Slotkin—Elon Musk Is NOT 'Going After Your Social Security and Medicare'
Democrat Senator's Late-Stage TDS Worsens, Calls Trump White House an 'Arm of the Kremlin'
The Bottom Line
While Biden has left the political stage, the far-left radicals in and out of his administration that propped him up four years — along with untold additional numbers of radical leftists continuing to metastasize across the country — conservatives must remain vigilant; and continue to work aggressively to stomp out radicalization, not only in the federal government, but in academia and the private sector as well.