Seth Meyers Claims Calling Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' Is 'Deeply Offensive.' Should We Tell Him?

Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP

In yet another example of why Fox News host Greg Gutfeld reigns supreme as the king of late night, NBC's "Late Night" host Seth Meyers not only again made a fool out of his TDS-riddled self on Wednesday night, but the irony of his hypocritical attack against President Donald Trump was hilariously off the charts.


In a twisted recap of Trump's Tuesday night speech before both chambers of Congress, Meyers sophomorically began (emphasis, mine):

Let me tell you, of all the things I've said about Donald Trump over the years, you know, and I've said a lot. I've called him weird, racist, weird, fascist, weird, stupid, weird, a liar, weird, a moron, weird, and a weird weirdo who's weirdly weird. I even have a new children's book called about Trump in the NBC store called "Where's Weirdo?" You can find it in the free bin right next to Dwight Schrute's cookbooks. Of all the things I said about Donald Trump, I never thought I would also call him boring. But guys, this speech, it was boring.

While I won't waste time commenting on most of the above sophomoric idiocy, calling Trump's speech "boring" is as asinine as anything Meyers has ever spewed — and he's spewed a lot. 

Look, if something is boring, those who see or hear it generally appear to be bored. However, the disgusting display put on by Congressional Democrats through Trump's speech was anything but.


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Here's where the real irony kicked in:

Also, can we please cool it with the whole wither decorum dance? This guy changed the game, and these are the new rules. He literally called Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas again last night, which is ... deeply offensive and a film that is 20 minutes shorter than the speech last night. 


I almost can't believe that Meyers went there — even given his late-stage TDS. 

I mean, you'd think he'd have the sense to realize how easy it would be for our side to call out his hypocrisy, given the vicious names Democrats continue to call Trump. Then again, Trump Derangement Syndrome is a devastating mental affliction.

Incidentally, when I've been of the mind to call out Warren for long insisting she's part Native American (which a DNA test finally proved her to be 1/64 to 1/1024 Native American — less than that of the average American), I've either gone with "Fake Indian," or my favorite, Fauxcahontas — but I digress. 

So Here's the Problem, Seth

While Meyers's concocted dismay over Trump calling Warren "Pocahontas" was cute for his equally left-wing audience, Democrats (including Meyers) have called Trump far worse names — for years.

Calling Trump "Hitler," a "fascist," "white supremacist," "Islamophobe," "xenophobe," and other ridiculous names, much less the former president of the United States calling Trump supporters "garbage," while others call them "Nazis," Meyers getting his knickers in a twist over Trump calling a demonstrably "fake Indian" "Pocahontas" is a laughable joke. 


The Bottom Line

Seth Meyers, the Democrat Party, the lapdog left-wing media, the lady geniuses of ABC's ridiculous show "The View," and other left-wingers continue to fail to get it; they fail to grasp the reality that their years-long, hyperbolic attacks against Donald Trump likely led to an even larger win for the 47th president than he might have otherwise achieved.  

America long ago grew tired of left-wing nonsense — but let's hope they continue it.

President Trump's speech to a joint session of Congress has radical Democrats in panic mode, and their childish protests won't stop all of the winning.

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