Playwright Eve Ensler, who now simply goes by "V," is hoping that her new production, "Dear Everything," can do for climate change what her production "The Vagina Monologues" did for women's rights in the 1970s.
Don't start laughing until you get to the good parts.
V hopes to give audiences a "road map" at the one-night-only staging of “Dear Everything,” with activist actors Jane Fonda and her pal Rosario Dawson hopefully firing up the crowd, which I assume will be mostly comprised of other climate catastrophizers. The extravaganza will play Manhattan's Terminal 5 on Jan. 30.
V explained:
We’re living in a period where we’re so disconnected. What we all have to do is connect — connect to the Earth and connect to each other.
The playwright's stupefying naive simplicity is profound. Reminds me of the then-famous 1971 Coke commercial jingle, "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing."
I'd like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony
And I'd like to buy the world a Coke
And keep it company
Anyway, Fonda predictably said in an email:
At a time when our planet is burning from the impact of global warming and human-made climate catastrophe, ‘Dear Everything’ is a powerful musical uprising.
Uh-huh, Jane, sure it is.
Incidentally, for those not old enough to remember, here's "Hanoi Jane" in the North Vietnamese capital in 1972 during the Vietnam War, where she infamously posed for photographers on an anti-aircraft gun, which was undoubtedly used to shoot down American military aircraft.
V, who will portray the narrator for the play, described her objective with "Dear Everything."
I was trying to find a way to create a story, to create pop music, that could really generate an awakening in people. Not by pounding them over the head, but by saying, ‘Listen to the diskids. Listen to young people. They really have a vision of what’s coming because they 'can eel it in their bodies and they want a life.'
Translation: Listen to the clueless kids indoctrinated by climate-activist teachers. Listen to the disinformed young people who have developed distorted visions of reality. They can feel it because of years of fearmongering "educators" in our public school systems.
Here's Where It Gets Really Hilarious
V describes the Earth as a woman and sees her activism against climate change as part of her overall fight to protect and honor women.
How does one respond with a straight face to that? It's a perfect example of why I sometimes opine, "You'd have a better chance of teaching a pigeon to speak French than convincing a left-winger that he or she is wrong."
No amount of facts, data, history, logic, or anything else will change the mind of the left when they've been programmed — including by themselves — that the sky is falling (pun intended).
Finally, this from V:
We made the mission to end violence against women, girls and trans and non-binary people and the Earth because it was all part of the same story. We’re still going.
Not to nitpick, but of course, it's not all part of the same story.
Violence against any innocent human being is wrong, and those who commit such violence should be served justice to the full extent of the law, whether we agree or disagree with the views of said victims.
Catastrophizing and scaring the bejesus out of children and low-information people — including those who are intentionally self-uninformed — about alleged anthropomorphic climate change being the "existential threat to mankind" is another thing altogether.
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Anyway, I wonder if climate-change pushers Al Gore, John Kerry, Joe Biden, and Greta Thunberg will be front-row center for "Dear Everything."