
Carville Calls on Fact-Checkers to Focus on Republicans, Not Democrats, to 'Help Save the Constitution'

Photo by Colin Young-Wolff/Invision/AP

Democratic strategist James Carville on Thursday all but said fact-checkers should ignore Democrats, and focus their reporting on Republicans — to "help save the Constitution of the United States."

In other words, just another day at the office for someone with TDS like Carville.

Here's James — AKA "The Ragin' Cajun" — in all his glory:

So let’s take the fact-check industry and let me tell you something, and I defy anyone to disagree on this: by 5 to 1, they would rather fact-check a misleading Democratic claim ’cause Republicans have so many … They want to say, ‘We’re just umpires, man, we just call it like [we] see it, we don’t really have anything.’ And, of course, there are times when Democrats exaggerate. My thing is, how would you fact-check World War II? … They’re treating this like it’s just a normal time where you got shirts and skins and we just call ’em like we see ’em.

"[B]y 5 to 1, they would rather fact-check a misleading Democratic claim"? Raise your hand if think that statement is a complete crock of crap. And, James? "We just call ’em like we see ’em" is exactly the job of a reputable fact-checker. But, hey — public trust be damned, right?

Carville continued his misguided narrative:

I think the whole industry has to decide: what is our role here? Is our role to be objective, impartial observers that report as accurately and fairly as we can, or is our role here to try to help save the Constitution of the United States? Because they’re two different things.

Are they actually two different things? Nonsense.

Impartial fact-checkers reporting as accurately and fairly as they can is precisely a critical factor in protecting — and ultimately saving — the Constitution of the United States, if radical leftism push comes to shove. 

Would Carville have advised fact-checkers in 2019 to ignore the words of Kamala Harris, when she railed against free speech? Here's Harris on X, losing her mind over Donald Trump and his supporters:

They are directly speaking to millions and millions of people WITHOUT OVERSIGHT.

Without "oversight" by whom, or what entity, Kamala? Robby Starbuck promptly — and correctly — nailed Harris and her ominous (unconstitutional) comment. He wrote:

Free speech doesn’t require government oversight. What [Kamala Harris] wants is a dictatorship. Democrats are the enemy of free speech.

You got it.

George Washington University Law School Professor and Fox News legal analyst Jonathan Turley on Wednesday said of Harris:

Harris often speaks of free speech as it if it is privilege bestowed by the government like a license and that you can be taken off the road if you are viewed as a reckless driver...

Bestowed by a Democrat government, Professor Turley.

Read More:

Free Speech Is on the Ballot: Jonathan Turley Shreds Harris for Her Hostility to the 1st Amendment

The UK Cracks Down on Free Speech. Would a Democrat-Controlled America Do the Same?

Kamala Harris' Campaign Manager Was the Point Man for Pushing Facebook to Censor Speech

Speaking of leftists and the U.S. Constitution, as I wrote last Friday in an article titled "'Little Piece of Paper': Human Rights Commission Prez, Other Leftists Call for Repeal of Constitution," various factions on the left have long called America's founding document "outdated," "flawed," "broken," and even "harmful."

Human Rights Campaign president Kelley Robinson proclaimed during her speech on the third night at the Democrat National Convention that people (Democrats) need to "reimagine" freedom and democracy beyond the Founders' "little piece of paper":

We can't just worry about protecting democracy. In this moment, we've got to reimagine it with people that look and love like us at the center. And I think for us right now is about reimagining freedom and this American story in a way that is more revolutionary than what our Founders actually put down on that little piece of paper, but instead is the type of democracy that is by and for all of the people in this country. That's the opportunity that we have.

How naive. How arrogant. How leftist.

Yet Democrat guru Carville moans and whines about saving the Constitution from Republicans.

How predictable. 


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