GOP's Mike Waltz Blasts Biden, Harris for 'Idiotic, Asinine Decision-Making' During Afghanistan Debacle

AP Photo/Kathy Gannon

Florida Republican Rep. Mike Waltz, the first Green Beret to serve in Congress, has heard enough of the lies coming from the Democrat National Convention (DNC) about the "successes" of the Biden-Harris administration. The decorated combat veteran on Wednesday excoriated the administration over its "idiotic and asinine decision-making" during the disastrous 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal, which led to the loss of 13 U.S. service members and more than 1,000 U.S. civilians trapped behind Taliban lines.


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Waltz's blistering of Biden-Harris came as part of the Republican Party's counterprogramming to the gaslighting DNC, and at the beginning of the anniversary of the infamous withdrawal. Waltz made his remarks from Trump Tower in Chicago.

When the congressman talks, he goes bottom-line.

Three years ago this week, that...all of that was going on in Afghanistan, that disgrace, that debacle, that stain on our national conscience, and I think, on American history. It's one thing to lose your men or women in combat. That happens, but to lose it due to incompetence and to literally idiotic and asinine decision making out of that White House is something we... will never forget.

And she [Harris] owns it. She owns it. She was proud of it, she bragged about it, and now to try to pretend didn't happen, to not even acknowledge it so far this week, and we won't hear the term 'Afghan.'

You won't hear any ownership of that debacle out of any one of the speakers this week. And so what was happening three years ago with Harris standing to Biden's side, he was saying, 'What do you mean? This was an outstanding success.'


Waltz rejected Biden's notion that his catastrophic withdrawal was "an outstanding success,"  pointing to resurgent terrorist activity in the Taliban-controlled country and the fact that American hostages are still in-country as well.

There are three Americans hostage right now in Afghanistan [held] by the Taliban. At the same time, Biden and Harris provide billions of dollars in aid... How do you give an organization [a] billion dollars in aid while they're taking our own citizens hostage?

That's fair for the American people to have asked. But the other thing that is happening right now as we speak in Afghanistan is terrorism is making a roaring comeback. Al Qaeda is resurgent. They're developing training camps. ISIS [is] resurgent.

Ahh, Rep. Waltz, the Biden-Harris Afghanistan debacle stands at the top of "those things that shall not be mentioned" at the shiny charade, otherwise known as the 2024 Democrat National Convention, AKA "The Crowning of Princess Kamala."

Also ReadTaliban Celebrates 3rd Anniversary of Takeover With Parade Featuring Equipment Biden/Harris Left Behind

Waltz in late July spoke with "Fox & Friends" weekend host Pete Hegseth, who was deployed to Afghanistan with the Minnesota Army National Guard, about Harris being proud to have been “the last in the room” to advise Biden on haphazardly yanking remaining service members out of Afghanistan: 


At a separate event later in the day, former President Donald Trump and Sen. JD Vance, (R-OH), are scheduled to discuss national security. 

Meanwhile, Wednesday's episode of "The Greatest Gaslighting Charade in the History of American Politics" continued at Chicago's United Center. Spoiler: More of the same, of course.


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