The Insidiousness of the Radical Left: How Can We Fight It?

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

In “Tyranny of the Minority — How the Left Is Destroying America,” bestselling author, keynote speaker, and political commentator Ed Brodow asked a simple question — four years ago: “Can America be saved?”


The chilling question was all but unthinkable not all that long ago — certainly in the aftermath of 9/11, which not only rocked America to its very core; the worst terrorist attack on American soil in history ultimately proved that this country could withstand anything the rest of the world might dare to throw at us.

But now, just 20 years later, the question is this:

Can America be saved? From us. More precisely, can freedom-loving, U.S. Constitution-cherishing, patriotic Americans save this country from within?

Can we save America from those who seek to destroy it as we know it?

“We are engaged in an ideological war for the future of America,” wrote Brodow in 2017. And as Brodow correctly nailed it, the Left, led by radical minority interests, is hellbent on destroying what remains of American values after eight, purposely divisive years of Barack Obama. Every one of Brodow’s bullet points hit the bullseye. Among them:

  • Expanding government at the expense of individual rights
  • Replacing free speech with political correctness
  • Destroying the American economy by redistributing income
  • Opening the borders to Stone Age people who want to kill us
  • Reversing the achievements of the civil rights movement by dividing the nation into racial and ethnic enclaves under the guise of “diversity” and “social justice”
  • Forcing college students to accept the Left’s racist agenda
  • The radical American Left and its senior partners, the Democrat Party and the mainstream media, want to turn the United States into Venezuela

Incidentally, Brodow quotes Fox News “Life, Liberty & Levin” host Mark Levin in the book. On Levin’s radio show, he said, in 2017: “We’re fighting for the whole enchilada.” To the point, Levin’s current bestseller, “American Marxism” continues to enjoy tremendous success — for the ominous reasons Levin drives home with example after example. Via Amazon:

Levin explains how the core elements of Marxist ideology are now pervasive in American society and culture—from our schools, the press, and corporations, to Hollywood, the Democratic Party, and the Biden presidency—and how it is often cloaked in deceptive labels like “progressivism,” “democratic socialism,” “social activism,” and more.

Levin digs into the psychology and tactics of these movements, the widespread brainwashing of students, the anti-American purposes of Critical Race Theory and the Green New Deal, and the escalation of repression and censorship to silence opposing voices and enforce conformity.

Levin exposes many of the institutions, intellectuals, scholars, and activists who are leading this revolution, and provides us with some answers and ideas on how to confront them.

Levin’s analysis couldn’t be more spot-on, yet we are told on a daily basis by Biden, his smug, clueless White House secretary, his hapless Cabinet members, and the left-wing media that we should admire the Emperor’s New Clothes, while the disastrous Biden presidency — including the radical-left-wing threats to America as we know it — is laid ever more bare on a daily basis.


As Levin writes:

“The counter-revolution to the American Revolution is in full force. And it can no longer be dismissed or ignored for it is devouring our society and culture, swirling around our everyday lives, and ubiquitous in our politics, schools, media, and entertainment.”

And as he has done since the early days of his nationally syndicated radio show, Levin continues his crusade to rally everyday Americans to defend their liberty — which scares the hell out of the far-left.

Levin is blasted as a far-right extremist (and worse), not only by the Left but also by high-profile “conservatives” — I personally know several of them — and “we” are told that the constitutional expert only makes “things” worse, or even that Mark Levin himself is to blame. Both assertions are nonsense.

So how can Conservatives fight the radical-left?

Rather than sit by, argue with strangers on social media, bitch among ourselves, et al., what can we do to stop those who seek to destroy us from within? Certainly, what began with angry parents in Loudoun County in protest of so-called “Critical Race Theory,” and then began spread across America, including protesting mandated vaccines for our kids — and the fundamental issue of whether parents should have a say in what their kids are being taught — was an effective beginning. These and similar protests must continue.


J. Allen Cartright, author at The Federalist, wrote a piece on American Thinker in September titled How Conservatives Can Fight the Rabid Partisanship Plaguing America, in which he argued that while “conservatives “never voted on it’ or “gave society [our] consent,” “somehow every decision [we] make has political ramifications.”

Or fail to make — my words — such as sitting out an election, or simply bitching and moaning.

After listing a litany of the Left’s transgressions, Cartright got to the gist of his headline. Examples:

On an individual level, conservatives should be tolerant: don’t end friendships over politics, and don’t politicize every topic on God’s green Earth within your social circles. […] However, on a societal level, conservatives must exercise collective economic power: companies that promote far-left policies must be boycotted until they change their policy.

Similarly, we should “buycott,” or provide additional economic support, to companies that promote conservative values.

The power of protest is equally important: the political right can learn a thing from liberals, who have successfully pressured corporations to enact politically motivated policies. Just as left-wing activists influenced Major League Baseball to move the All-Star game, right-wing activists must pressure Hollywood to reduce its involvement with China on humanitarian grounds.

Participation in local politics is also powerful, as demonstrated by recent grassroots movements against the teaching of criticalr ace theory. More conservatives are needed in academia, and support networks for conservative faculty may help these efforts.

Because conservatives favor individual liberties over government intervention, we are often reluctant to wield political power. Many in the conservative movement vehemently defend, for example, Big Tech providing a platform for the Taliban while banning Donald Trump as simple free speech and free enterprise.

For our nation to survive, our culture must be a source of unity that transcends political differences. It is therefore imperative that the political right leverage its economic, political, and social power to provide a check on the leftist takeover of our culture.


It all sounds good, right? Yet — and let’s be honest — how well are we conservatives doing the “unity” thing within the Republican Party as a voting bloc? In a word? We’re sucking at it — bigly — nearly a year after the 2020 election. Then again, we sucked at it throughout the entire presidency of Donald Trump. I’ve said this before and I continue to say it because it’s true:

Within the “conservative” world, there exist two primary factions: Never-Trumpers and Always-Trumpers. In the minds of the Never-Trumpers, Donald Trump could never do anything right; he still can’t. Trump could singlehandedly cure cancer, and these people would blast him for putting oncologists out of work.

And the Always-Trumpers?

Trump himself put it best during the 2016 primaries when he joked that he “could shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue” and his supporters would still vote for him. I’ve seen perfectly intelligent Always-Trumpers twist themselves into pretzels defending, justifying, rationalizing, or outright dismissing everything Trump does, says, or (used to) tweets. Same people who are today obsessed with all things  Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, or Kyrsten Sinema, to name a few examples. Disagree? Look around.

Here’s the thing. Both groups are full of crap. Not even Donald Trump can always be wrong or always be right. Yet the infighting continues at a fever pitch. Will it continue, through 2024, given that Trump is obviously champing at the bit to announce he’s running?


The point?

As Cartright suggested, without unity, the right — as a splintered voting bloc — will struggle in 2024, regardless of the protestations to the contrary by the “second group,” above. The radical, other point? The Left is insidious. They aren’t going to stop. They’re eating our elephant, one bite at a time.

2024 must not be redux of 2000. We do know where that got us in 2020, do we not? That includes the two Georgia runoff elections, as well — after “someone” called those elections “illegal” and “illegitimate.”

Finally, I won’t waste my time admonishing “those among us so inclined” to move beyond the “stolen election” mantra and look out the front window, but I will suggest doing so “might” not be a bad idea at all.

Slings and arrows? All good.


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