There are trolls, and then there are trolls. You know the kind. The smarmy, odious little creeps who hide under rocks, only crawling out to spew venomous bile at or about their “enemies.” Such is former Deputy National Security Advisor under Barack Obama, Ben Rhodes.
So it follows that Rhodes presented with an opportunity to troll Donald Trump over testing positive for COVID-19 is not unlike sticking a fresh-out-of-the-fryer 21-piece bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken — original recipe — under docudramatist Michael Moore’s nose.
Thus, as reported by Twitchy, Rhodes thought forcing his three-year-old daughter to wear a mask outside — dancing in 80-degree heat, no less — was a perfect dunk on people who choose not to wear masks.
Particularly people named Donald Trump.
My three year old daughter just did an outdoor ballet class in 80 degree heat where all the kids wore masks the whole time. Three year olds being more responsible than the White House.
— Ben Rhodes (@brhodes) October 3, 2020
Nice, Rhodes. Twitter had thoughts. Spoiler:
DUMBASS DAD AWARD https://t.co/9Uk9l0G997
— KenMatthews (@KenMatthews) October 4, 2020
It was game-on.
Why would you make her do that?! 3 Years Old!?!?!
I don’t believe your statement is coming off here as you planned.
— Jlisa (@Jlisa42067) October 4, 2020
Normal people don’t exploit their children as political props…
— SlightStrider (@slightstrider) October 4, 2020
There is no science that says it is necessary or even beneficial to wear a mask outside. Ignorant…
— David Stanley (@dbstanley) October 3, 2020
This person called BS on Rhodes — with the weather.
Dude, did y’all commute to Jacksonville for ballet? The high was in the 60s in DC yesterday. pic.twitter.com/AAQocgt17q
— Save Ferris (@SaveFerris14) October 4, 2020
Other people tweeted examples involving their own children.
My 3-year-old knows to give pretend hugs to her godparents instead of real hugs. She wears a mask to pet their dog since that requires getting close to them.
— Brooke (@brooketorious) October 3, 2020
I coach both my kids’ soccer teams. No players wear masks outside in either practice or games, because only lunatics and virtue signalers do insane shit like that. Full season completed.
0 cases, 0 complaints, letting kids be kids w/o their weird ass parents virute signaling…— Chicago Anomaly (@ddeaver90) October 4, 2020
My 9 year old avoids sick people, rarely wears a mask, and has a pocket constitution. She skis, skates, plays piano, has a bunch of friends, goes to the playground, and has sleepovers. Proud daddio.
— Do I Stay Or Do I Go (@JamesHa35069173) October 4, 2020
This tweet made me laugh — comparing Rhodes to Billy Bob Thornton’s fictional character Karl Childers, a simple man who spent most of his life in a mental institution in the movie “Sling Blade.”
Mmmmh. Them ballariner’s weren’t no bigger than a squirrel. pic.twitter.com/QH6mZtuF5C
— 100 Proof (@ChampionCapua) October 4, 2020
Rhodes suggested detractors were proving his point.
Everyone dropping bombs over my daughter wearing a mask is proving the point. What planet are you living on?
— Ben Rhodes (@brhodes) October 4, 2020
Au contraire, Gollum. It is you who made our point.
I understand your mask-Karen mentality, dude. I really do. Moreover, it’s your business if you want to force your 3-year-old daughter to dance outside in 80º degree weather. Child abuse? Nah — unless she didn’t’ want to play along, assuming your little production was short.
The exploitation of a small child — your own — solely for the purpose of political expedience? Solely for the purpose of saying na-na-na-na-na-na to Trump? Soley for the purpose of taking a tasteless shot at a 74-year-old man whose been diagnosed with COVID — simply because you disagree with him politically? Oh hell yeah.
Ben Rhodes is a snake. And over the last four years, that snake has reserved most of his venom for the president of the United States. Here are a few examples that we covered at the time.
Obama Bro Ben Rhodes Bursts In Like the Kool-Aid Man to Shill for Iran After Deadly Attacks
The Iran Fluffing Obama Bros Respond to Soleimani’s Death
In a cesspool full of snakes, Ben Rhodes time and time again crawls to the top of the hypocritical heap to do what he does best.
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