On today’s episode of “The Most Trusted Name in News,” CNN host Jake Tapper really went there. The headline, I mean.
With a straight face, as fellow Trump-loathing CNN comrade Dana Bash melodramatically shook her head in faux disgust, Tapper said that, following Tuesday night’s presidential debate in Cleveland.
“We’re all getting text messages from friends all over the country. A friend of mine in Kansas City, watching her first debate with her sixth-grade daughter (who) burst into tears… has to run to bed because she was so appalled — uh, the sixth-grade girl, at what she saw from the president of the United States — we all want to dive into the substance but it’s almost difficult to get there.”
Oh, please.
CNN's Jake Tapper says his friend's 6th-grade daughter "burst into tears" and "had to run to bed" because of Trump's behavior during the debate https://t.co/wx1NruTApd pic.twitter.com/yj0jP8hZt5
— Not the Bee (@Not_the_Bee) September 30, 2020
Gotta call BS on that, Jake. I mean, I really appreciate the faux drama with which you dropped that load, but you can’t be serious.
You actually expect viewers to believe not only that your friend’s 12-year-old daughter wanted to watch a presidential debate, but also that the 12-year-old became so “appalled” over Trump’s horrific behavior that she had to run to her bedroom and hide under the covers from the big, bad, meanie, orange man?
The answer is of course he does.
The other answer is of course they believe him. #ProTip: If you’re still watching CNN after four years of Trump-trashing on a daily basis, of course you believe nonsense like this.
Moreover, I’d venture a bet that even if Tapper’s story were true, that poor 6th-grade girl’s mom had everything to do with it. No doubt mommy-dearest has taught her young daughter: “orange man bad.”
The Mean Orange Man… pic.twitter.com/hDXWlYHsVb
— David Lynch (@DavidLy50171905) September 29, 2020
Speaking of CNN’s torpedoing of Trump, check out my RedState colleague Brad Slager’s “laundry list of lies” from Biden during Tuesday night’s debate, in a performance The Most Trusted Name in News™ laughingly called “mostly accurate.”
CNN has proved time and time again over the last four years that the Trump-loathing network can be legitimately labeled a lot of things, but “most trusted name in news” is not one of them.
Wait — CNN flew left-wingman for Barack Obama for eight years before that. Then of course before that there were eight years of George W. Bush, and before that…
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