Besieged Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, who has repeatedly refused all offers of assistance from Donald Trump to help wrest control of his burned-out city from rioting anarchists, wants one thing from the president and one thing only: federal — U.S. taxpayer — money.
In other words, Mr. President, Ted’s got this. He just needs some cash.
I mean, just look at this guy. Look at those wild, red eyes. Look at that anguished, frightened face. Does that look like a guy who’s in charge? A guy who has anything under control?
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Moving From Residence After Far-Left Extremists Attack It https://t.co/v58zlI90BE pic.twitter.com/8FTRPD66Fo
— The Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) September 3, 2020
Then again, Wheeler should be scared.
The feckless, far-left mayor, who has all but styled his hair in a man bun, donned a cheerleader uniform, grabbed a couple of pom-poms, and excitely headed to the chaotic streets to cheer on the anarchy — oh, wait — he pretty much did that — is himself on the run. Literally.
That is, after anarchists on Monday set his condo building on fire, which he promptly fled, tail tucked tightly between his quivering legs.
Antifa rioters set off fireworks at @tedwheeler’s NW Portland condo. They’ve also started a large fire on the street. #PortlandRiots pic.twitter.com/A3KnDvCBCv
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) September 1, 2020
BLM protester tells comrades to go directly to @tedwheeler’s condo door. They’re staging a coup to force him out of office & to defund police. #PortlandRiots pic.twitter.com/Yq496GWo3q
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) August 29, 2020
Wheeler’s response to the out-of-control chaos in his city? The direct threat to his own safety? Possibly even his life? To fire off an irrational mini tweetstorm at Trump on Wednesday night, of course.
Trump threatens to withdraw federal funds, possibly including health, education and safety net dollars Americans need to get through the pandemic and economic crisis. Again, he targets cities – including ours – with democratic Mayors, which he calls “anarchist jurisdictions.”
— Mayor Ted Wheeler (@tedwheeler) September 3, 2020
Um, Ted? That “economic crisis”? The one gripping your city?
Yeah — it’s caused far more by the night-after-night rioting Portland residents have been subjected to for 90 days and counting — because you defiantly stand with the rioters and refuse to put an end to it.
Once again, only progressive communities with democratic Mayors, which he labels “anarchist jurisdictions” – including Portland – are targeted.
This is a new low, even for this president.
— Mayor Ted Wheeler (@tedwheeler) September 3, 2020
Dude, you’re right. Actually, Trump’s right. Moreover?
Of the country’s to 20 crime-ridden cities, 18 are run by Democrat mayors; two are “non-partisan.” Moreover? You got burned out of your own condo by anarchists; you might want to sit this one out.
He continues to believe that disenfranchising people living in this country to advance his petty grudges is an effective political strategy. The rest of us know it is dangerous, destructive, and divisive.
— Mayor Ted Wheeler (@tedwheeler) September 3, 2020
Cute. Lemme ask you a question.
What percentage of Portland residents who voted for you support your inaction during the 90-plus nights of burning, killing, and destroying their city’s infrastructure? Have any idea? Of course you don’t.
Even worse? You couldn’t care less if every one of them opposed your avid and vocal support of those who are doing the destroying.
Wheeler’s irrationality wasn’t lost on rational denizens of the Twittersphere, more than a few of whom picked up on his “sudden change of address,” including Stephen L. Miller — aka: @redsteeze
How’s the move going, Ted?
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) September 3, 2020
Washington Examiner’s T. Becket Adams was on it, as well.
did you tweet this while hunting for a new apartment?
— tsar becket adams (@BecketAdams) September 3, 2020
Comedian and author Tim Young couldn’t resist an easy shot, either.
…Says a guy who just moved out of his condo because of violent anarchist rioters that he couldn’t control.
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) September 3, 2020
Jewhadi summed up Wheeler’s reality, perfectly.
Look at Ted “pretend-caring” about Americans.
But, night after night, for 90+ days, @tedwheeler has been on his knees kissing the dirty, hairy feet of BLM/antifa militants, who are intruding on and destroying American lives and livelihoods. Then he begs them for more. https://t.co/j49teXQYSE
— Jewhadi™ (@JewhadiTM) September 3, 2020
This guy won the thread. In my book, anyway.
— Douglas Cogan (@DCCogan) September 3, 2020
And this guy summed up the reality of the hole in which Wheeler has eagerly dug for himself and his city.
Dude. The hole you’ve dug seems to be overly deep at this point
— Jonny Cabernet (@Inflatulation) September 3, 2020
Yup, Ted — you’re in a pickle. You know what they say. Go big, or go home. In your case, it appears as if you might need to keep finding new homes, given that the very anarchists you supported for more than 90 days now have you on the run. Trump’s fault, right?
How’s it feel?
H/T ~ Twitchy
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