Netflix has created a biopic of President Barack Obama from his Columbia University days, entitled “Barry”. The first full trailer has been released.
The Huffington Post is breathless with anticipation:
In the newly released footage, you can see actor Devon Terrell’s take on Barack Obama, as the young Columbia University student overcomes several obstacles throughout his schooling, such as a racist security officer who insists on checking Obama’s identification. In another briefly shown scene, a man punches the future president in the face.
Director Vikram Gandhi ― perhaps most recognizable from his time as a correspondent and producer with “Vice” on HBO ― also attended Columbia and lived in a neighboring building to the one Obama once occupied. Apparently, legends of Obama’s Columbia escapades persisted until Gandhi’s time as a student.
Fellow Columbia alum Adam Mansbach, the author of Go the F**k to Sleep, wrote the “Barry” script, which follows Obama’s junior year at the school, beginning in 1981.
Has any President in the history of this country enjoyed the media worship that Obama has? I don’t even know how you’d measure that kind of thing. There are no metrics for love. Obama has captured the imagination of the American left and Hollywood in such a way that often struggle to find words without comparing them to cult members.
Earlier this year we were treated to the Obamas’ first date as reimagined by the creators of “South Side With You”. A film which appeared to based almost entirely on campaign speeches given by Michelle and Barack Obama. Seriously. From reliving her telling the story of him picking her up in a “hoopty” to the awkward ending, they made a movie about this. Someone produced it, thought it was a good idea. If this is what Hollywood produces when they’re inspired… I digress.
This latest film honoring the memories of a young Obama as imagined by the director in a fever dream, is just one of the many offering the so-called creative community have offered up to Barack Obama. It makes me wonder what we can expect after he’s left office.
Let the Oscar-bait flow.
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