The last couple of weeks have been frustrating for the sizable chunk of Trump’s base who think lockdowns, untargeted social distancing, and forcing everyone to wear masks are neither effective nor necessary responses to COVID-19 and, in fact, are a much greater menace than the virus itself.
They believe we ought to finally start listening to the thousands of doctors and scientists that the drive-by media have gone out of their way to silence instead of blindly following the dictates of life-long bureaucrats who’ve been puffed up, pushed, and placed on a pedestal by professional purveyors of fake news like Jake Tapper and Chris Cuomo.
Many of the president’s strongest supporters agree with Tucker Carlson that the measures being hyped the hardest by Jerry Nadler and his fellow Democrats as well as the relentless state of panic the president’s enemies in the press have created don’t merely contradict the data.
Wear a mask. Pass it on. https://t.co/mEovJq6MMR
— Rep. Nadler (@RepJerryNadler) June 30, 2020
They think we’re witnessing a deliberate attempt to create a climate of fear and inflict maximal misery on the American people to give Biden a shot at beating Trump in November.
So, a lot of folks in the president’s corner couldn’t have been happier when he called out two of the media’s biggest lies about COVID-19 at a press conference last week.
Unfortunately, within a day the Trump campaign sent an email out to their fundraising list urging his supporters to abandon any convictions they may hold that it’s a terrible idea and start dutifully wearing masks just like Nadler and the rest of the president’s most bitter enemies are demanding.
And it wasn’t just signed by Trump. It was also written in an idiosyncratic style that seemed to indicate he may have actually composed it.
Whosever idea it was hopefully noticed that a lot of folks who should be Trump’s biggest supporters wound up neither convinced nor amused.
He is trying to lose to a traitor, isn't he?
— Nemesis of Moose and Squirrel (@ComradeHadenov) August 5, 2020
And that’s one of the responses that was mild enough to quote. A lot of them, though admittedly creative, contained way too much profanity to do anything more than provide a link and a warning.
But those who were discouraged can take heart. At his press conference yesterday, the President announced that Dr. Scott Atlas is joining his team of COVID-19 advisors.
President Trump announces Dr. Scott Atlas is now working with the coronavirus task force.
Dr. Scott Atlas has routinely appeared on #KUSINews to speak on our coronvirus response, most recently telling Americans not to panic as cases rise.
Watch: https://t.co/VJvaGtTt0o pic.twitter.com/R6jEFhj9lu
— KUSI News (@KUSINews) August 10, 2020
Better news would scarcely be possible.
If you haven’t heard of Dr. Atlas… well, that’s part of the problem. He’s the former chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center and now a senior fellow at Stanford’s ultra-prestigious Hoover Institution (where conservative luminaries Thomas Sowell and Victor Davis Hanson also reside).
But apart from his impeccable credentials, Dr. Atlas is one of the thousands of medical experts the Democrats and their media enablers don’t want you to know about who’ve been trying to put the breaks on the suicidal, anti-science response to COVID-19 they’ve conned us into following.
Way back on April 22, Dr. Atlas penned an op-ed in The Hill whose title couldn’t have been clearer:
The data is in — stop the panic and end the total isolation.
He explained five facts about COVID-19 that were already apparent from the data we had a month after lockdowns started. But most Americans were totally unaware and, thanks to our corrupt and incompetent national press, still are.
- Fact 1: The overwhelming majority of people do not have any significant risk of dying from COVID-19.
- Fact 2: Protecting older, at-risk people eliminates hospital overcrowding.
- Fact 3: Vital herd immunity is actually PREVENTED by total isolation policies, prolonging the problem.
- Fact 4: People are dying from being denied other medical care due to hypothetical COVID-19 fatality projections that turned out to be garbage.
- Fact 5: We have a clearly defined population at risk who can be protected with targeted measures.
Countless lives would’ve been saved and a heartbreaking amount of needless hardship and misery averted if more people had been aware of Dr. Atlas’s article back in April when it first appeared.
A month later, Trump’s new advisor tried to get the word out that lockdowns will wind up killing far more people than even the worst of the wildly inflated COVID-19 fatality projections claimed would die without them.
It’s a measure of how criminal Fauci’s leadership was that he somehow never even considered how many lives would be lost to canceled medical procedures and the well-established disastrous effects severe economic downturns have on life span.
Let alone the number of already struggling Americans who would kill themselves or overdose on drugs because the isolation and economic ruin he inflicted on them was too much to bear.
1. Saving the lives of the elderly.
(Cuomo doesn’t agree with you)
2. Saving the ones that survive from life long health issues.
(What about suicide victims, like my brother?) https://t.co/ZYYTdk6Va5 https://t.co/21AbVE5s25
— JWSpry 🇦🇶 (@JWSpry) July 14, 2020
And don’t even start with the “outside his purview” BS. Those are all straightforward medical casualties who died because of Fauci’s flagrant malpractice.
If you’ve got 50 minutes to check out an in-depth interview, you can watch Dr. Atlas discuss the catastrophic medical consequences of lockdowns as well as correct some grave misconceptions that Fauci and his media enablers have encouraged about social distancing in an interview he did for his Hoover Institution colleague Peter Robinson’s Uncommon Knowledge series. (A great resource for conservatives in general, by the way.)
Scott Atlas, MD interviewed by Peter Robinson on Uncommon Knowledge regarding Covid-19, social distancing, and lockdowns.— Corey Andrews (@economicFreedom) June 27, 2020
There’s also a shorter segment with Laura Ingraham in which she asked Dr. Atlas to explicitly respond to Fauci’s despicable attempts to keep us unjustifiably living in a state of perpetual fear when the reality is we’ve got the virus under control and the worst is clearly over.
Couldn't be better news for America than Trump putting Dr. Atlas on his COVID team. Here he is responding to Fauci's contentless fear-porn with actual data. https://t.co/FqYIsSDdA9
— Michael Thau (@MichaelThau) August 11, 2020
For everyone who expressed frustration because the many esteemed experts vehemently calling out Fauci’s pseudoscientific snake oil and warning of its catastrophic side effects weren’t getting any attention, it looks like the president may have heard you.
Still waiting for @realDonaldTrump to allow other ‘experts’ voices like Dr Michael Levitt, Karl Friston, Johan Giesecke Atlas, Blaylock, Denis Rancourt, Buttar and thousands of others doctors & scientists! Our country is going off dangerously off track! https://t.co/ABaugfIeUa
— Sierra Danté🇺🇸✝️🇫🇷 (@SierraDante) June 30, 2020
Apart from Jerry Nadler, Chris Cuomo, the other Democrats and fake-newsmen who’ve thus far managed to stifle any dissenting views on the crackpot response to COVID-19 they’ve dishonestly peddled, and those poised to rake in billions when the terrified masses start desperately lining up for the completely unnecessary and likely not very effective vaccine they’re franticly racing to develop, Dr. Atlas’s appointment is fantastic news for all Americans.
There’s finally some hope that the epidemic of madness that’s infected the nation these past five months might be coming to an end.