What Are The Chances That Nevada Republicans Won't Be Stupid?

The Nevada Secretary of State Ross Miller [Democrat, Reid] wants to give Nevada 2nd Congressional district, one that leans Republican, to Democrats by allowing anyone who wants to run, to run. It will be a complete and total free-for-all. From RGJ.com:


Nevada Republicans quickly responded with threats of legal action, saying Miller’s move clearly benefits Democrats because so many GOP candidates are in the running and the field would be diluted. So far, at least five people have expressed interest in running as a Republican compared to three Democrats.

Fred Lokken, political science professor at Truckee Meadows Community College, agreed, adding that the plan for the Sept. 13 special election could also help tea party favorite Sharron Angle because she has strong name recognition and can quickly raise the money needed for a statewide campaign. Angle already has been raising money for the race.

The U.S. House seat was vacated by U.S. Rep. Dean Heller, R-Carson City, who was named by Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval to replace Sen. John Ensign, R-Las Vegas. Ensign announced his resignation last month in the midst of questions about an affair with the wife of his former friend and aide. Ensign’s last day in the Senate was Monday.


Will the Republicans put their thick skulls together and come up with one candidate in service to the greater electoral good?

Yes, yes, I’m laughing, too. It’s a rhetorical question. Of course they’ll wrestle to the finish to give it to Democrats.

It would be nice, for once, if Republicans set aside the squabbling and back stabbing ways to decide on a candidate, any candidate.

Come on, Nevada Republicans! Prove all us skeptics wrong and make a sensible choice.


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