Exclusive: David Bossie Says Trump Is Ready for 2nd Term: 'He Is So Dialed in and Focused'

David Bossie, the Citizens United president and chairman, told RedState President Donald J. Trump is ready for a second term even more effective and fast-paced than his first term. (Credit: Neil W. McCabe)

[MILWAUKEE] The president and chairman of Citizens United told RedState President Donald J. Trump is prepared for a second term whose passion and effectiveness will outdo the frenetic pace of his first term from what he is seeing at the Republican National Convention held here July 15 through July 18.


“I don't know how you top it, but he's going to top it,” said David Bossie, who was walking around the convention with one of his sons as his body man.

“He is so dialed in and focused on making America great again and taking America back from the abyss that is socialism — not just socialism, but even worse,” said Bossie, whose film “Rescue Mission: Saving America” premiers at the convention.

“It’s funny,” he said. “When I was younger, you threw around a word like socialist, and people looked at you cross-eyed because they said: ‘Oh, you're such an extremist. Why would you say that about the opponent?’ They're not socialists anymore. They're out openly as Marxists.”

The Boston native, who now lives in Maryland, said Trump and the Republican Party are now taking on people who used to be dismissed as weirdos.

“They are weirdos who want to fundamentally transform this country into something that the American people don't want,” he said.

“We want freedom and independence and peace and prosperity, and they want the Green New Scam and wealth redistribution, and so it is two different views of America,” he said.


Bossie: Trump’s Monday Night Appearance Was ‘An Incredibly Powerful Moment’

The Citizens United leader, who has been a close friend of the president for many years, said Trump was moved by the cheers from the delegates and other convention participants Monday night.

“You could see the emotion on the president's face, and I could feel it. It was an amazing experience,” he said.

“It was the first time that anybody has seen President Trump since the assassination attempt, and it was an incredibly powerful moment,” he said. “When he walked into the room, the cheers and support by the crowd was overwhelming.”

Bossie: Trump’s Pick of Vance for Veep Is a Winning Decision

The author of “The Many Faces of John Kerry: Why this Massachusetts Liberal is Wrong for America” said he was impressed by Trump’s picking Ohio’s Republican Sen. JD Vance for his 2024 running mate. 

“JD's life story, JD's experience, JD's military background, his intellect is going to serve the American people — and he is an incredible campaigner,” he said.

Bossie said Vance’s personal life gives him insights into the struggles of regular Americans. 


“He's got a young family that is phenomenal and supportive,” he said.

“We are going to be so excited to team up with Vance to win in November,” he said. “The American people have to move on past the worst president in American history, Joe Biden.”

Once Trump has dispensed with President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and his administration with his reelection, the real work begins, he said.

“We have to get a handle on the carnage going on at the border,” he said. “We have to get inflation under control and put America First,” he said.

“We have so many things that need to be done, and only through the leadership of Donald Trump are we going to be able to get it done.”


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