Why The World Still Can't Understand the Rafah Situation

AP Photo/Khalil Hamra

Another day, another round of this horrible hell in the Israel-Gaza war.

On Sunday, the IDF struck a Hamas compound in Rafah, targeting senior Hamas officials. They believe the strike to be successful. 


The densely populated area is a prime location for the Hamas officials to settle down, considering that they have designed this war around their method of using civilians as human shields. Not surprisingly, it is reported that approximately 35 civilians were killed in the strike and the fire that ensued. Of course, reliable numbers are a hard thing to come by these days. 

While media outlets, celebrities, and others cry “Injustice!”, there was silence on Saturday as Hamas fired more than a dozen rockets from the “displacement camp” at civilians in Tel Aviv. There was no military target and not even an attempt at an excuse. And, of course, no reprimand from any of the aid agencies or the U.N. for operating from a civilian area. 

This story, quite frankly, is getting old. 

This generation operates on the currency of virtue. The only way to get anything in life these days is to convince others of your noble heart. In reality, it doesn’t really matter if it’s true as long as you adequately satisfy the conscience of the audience. They are cheap dates and easy to please. 

The situation with Rafah, as well as the entire Gaza conflict, should be common sense and nothing new. This isn’t the Western world’s first round of fighting terrorism. But then again, it’s always different with the Jews. 


The conscience of the people is being perverted by biased news, outright lies, and careful manipulation. Hamas designed this strategy, and it’s working. 

We are tired of this malice masquerading as humanity. Anyone who does not immediately call for the surrender of Hamas and the release of the hostages does not care about Palestinians or any civilians, Israeli or otherwise. Anyone who has spent time in the area of Gaza, even pre-war, should know how Hamas treats its own people. Where are the calls for freedom from the oppression of Hamas for Palestinians? Where are the calls for their leaders to value their safety above all else in their war campaign? Can anyone imagine if any Western country had put their people in harm's way the way that Hamas has? 

From the moment Biden made some of the first negative comments about the war, support for Israel crumbled, and Hamas became more emboldened. The last viable hostage deal was on the verge of agreement before the U.S. failed to veto a U.N. ceasefire resolution as they previously did before. Those things, combined with the lack of control over the protests and the college camp-outs, have only made Hamas more delusional that they can win this war and be celebrated heroes. The joke is on us because even they know how they have manipulated us. 


The only chance for this war to end is for Netanyahu and the IDF to apply strong military pressure. Israel has tried all of the things that the world has suggested — hard hand, soft hand, diplomacy, war, turning the other cheek, or standing their ground. They are tired of being everyone’s favorite guinea pig. The world has shown that the only thing Israelis can do that they like is die. 

The culpability for Rafah falls on Hamas. The only way to fix an injustice is to hold the correct person accountable. Israel should do everything it can to protect civilian life. However, anyone who thinks that there is another way to end this conflict is either delusional or has malicious intent.


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