
In a World of Megan Rapinoes, Be a Scottie Scheffler

AP Photo/Matt York

Scottie Scheffler, the greatest golfer in the world, delivered for America in the Olympics, winning the gold medal. He shot nine under par, which matched a course record, and finished with a total score of 62 in round four. 

Following the final round, Scheffler tipped his hat to his competitors:

It’s been a long week. It’s been a challenging week. I played some great golf today, and I’m proud to be going home with a medal. These guys played tremendous golf, and I think we should all be proud of the golf that we played this week.

As the medal ceremony was taking place, the Star-Spangled Banner was playing, and the American flag rose to the top, Scheffler became emotional, which shows how much it meant for him to represent the United States of America. 

Unlike athletes such as Megan Rapinoe, who participated in past Olympics with the U.S. Women's National Soccer Team (USWNT), representing a country she claims "was founded not on freedom and liberty and justice."

What I think that the flag should mean is, like, an impossible standard in which we are always trying to get to. We're not there. We were never there. First of all, the country was founded not on freedom and liberty and justice for all. I think we can just start to be very honest with ourselves about that. It doesn't mean that we don't have some of those qualities and that we can work towards some of those qualities. But this country was founded on chattel slavery and the brutal and ruthless system of slavery. So let's all be really honest about that.

If she truly believes that, why represent the USA, and why doesn't she move to a country that shares her beliefs? It's funny that those who always complain about American values and its history are the same ones who never get up and leave. 

Compare her comments, and this is only a fraction of what she has said negatively about America, to Scheffler's reaction when the anthem was being played following his victory. 

The people who complain about how terrible America is, are the same ones who have been born and raised in the U.S. because they don't know any better. Ask anyone who has fled their country during the Soviet Union, fled from communism, whether they prefer living in the Land of the Free or under oppressive governments, and they will tell you that America is the greatest nation in the world, that's why so many want to come here, while those who trash it, still refuse to leave.

Rapinoe is not the only multi-millionaire athlete who has criticized American values and its foundation, but she is one of the few who criticized the country while "representing" the U.S. in front of the world. 

During their most recent World Cup run, Rapinoe missed the crucial penalty kick to put the U.S. on top, and after the tournament, she announced her retirement.

Those bitter athletes should either not represent the country they claim to oppose or take notes and learn from athletes like Scheffler, who represent their country and are proud to be an American. 

In a world of Megan Rapinoes, be a Scottie Scheffler. 


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