Biden Campaign in Denial As Donald Trump Gains Support Among Black Voters

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As former President Donald Trump continues to gain support among black voters, the Biden campaign seems to believe the best way to win those voters back is to be in denial.


Poll after poll has shown that Trump is gaining support among minority communities, as President Biden's support is slipping. A recent USA Today/Suffolk University poll shows Trump gaining support among black voters in two swing states -- Pennsylvania and Michigan. In 2020, Biden received 92 percent of the black vote nationwide. 

In Pennsylvania, 56.2 percent of black voters said they would vote for Biden in 2024, 20 percentage points lower than in 2020. In Michigan, Biden's support among black voters is down 22 percent from 2020. Despite that, Biden's campaign co-chair Mitch Landrieu doesn't think those polls are reality

There’s no universe in which Donald Trump is going to get 21 percent of the Black vote. That’s never going to happen. And so it’s not that we’re not worried about that, but we’re fighting very, very hard for every vote.

Landrieu is not the only person on the Biden campaign who believes the polls are wrong and that Trump won't get 20 percent of the vote among black voters. Biden campaign spokesman Mike Tyler claimed it isn't possible for Trump to gain support because Biden has accomplished more than any other president. 


This campaign is going to do very good among black voters because no administration has done more for black America than the Biden/Harris administration.

Members of the Biden campaign went as far as mocking the Trump campaign for launching a "Black Americans for Trump" coalition, per the MSNBC interview. Landrieu and Tyler seem to dismiss the polls, but that's nothing new for the Democrats because they expect the black community to vote for them no matter what. But the tide could be turning, and we could see that as soon as November. 

As RedState's Nick Arama wrote, Trump attended a roundtable in Detroit, Michigan, to speak with and understand the community's concerns; contrast that to Biden, who believes he is owed a vote. 

Related: Trump Lights It Up With Black Voters in Detroit, Pastor Thanks Him for Something Neither Biden, Obama Did


Democrats are Bleeding Out In Areas Where They Were Strongest

Carlos Chambers, a veteran and community leader, made it clear why he wants Trump to become president again. 

As the Biden campaign continues to deny reality, Trump goes into black communities and talks to concerned citizens as he looks to earn their votes. The campaign should continue its outreach, which could propel Trump to a resounding victory in November. 


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