Sarah Palin: My Husband is in ICU Right Now Which Made me Realize How Important Electing Trump Is (VIDEO)

So earlier today, there was some confusion about Sarah Palin’s attendance at a Donald Trump rally. The Trump campaign announced that Palin’s appearance was cancelled with a bizarrely abrupt statement that offered no reason for the cancellation. Some time passed, and I wrote up a piece theorizing (based on the wording of Trump’s statement) that Trump might be done with using Palin for his rallies since he basically has Christie to perform that job now.


Almost immediately after that post went up, the news reports came out indicating that Sarah Palin’s husband Todd was in a “serious” snowmobile accident and was in the ICU. I promptly updated the post, struck through all the material I had posted, and removed it from the front page. I don’t want to be an insensitive clot when someone is going through a genuine family emergency, after all.

So imagine my surprise when I turned on my television about 30 minutes later, and there was Sarah Palin speaking on behalf of Trump. I’m going to put a portion of the video here, and a transcript of her remarks, and just leave them here without comment.

Palin: It’s good to be here, thawing out, from Alaska. Literally, I’m thawing out. Before getting on a flight up here, I was ice fishing on my frozen lake. And my husband was out snowmachining, and thank you guys for your prayers for my husband who is recovering right now in ICU after a little wreck on a snowmachine, so thank you. Big wreck. Thank you. But, uh, you know, when real life happens, right? When somebody is sick in your family, there’s an accident that happens, all these struggles… all these real life issues that happen, it really puts things in perspective, doesn’t it? And doesn’t it make you appreciate your time? Time is our most valuable resource. And it makes me appreciate the time that we have to spend in doing something so worthy, and that’s to get Donald J. Trump elected President. And what we don’t have time for is all that petty, punk ass little thuggery stuff that’s been going on with these quote-unquote protesters who are doing nothing but wasting your time.




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