Hillary Clinton gave an interview to the Today Show today during a town hall in New Hampshire in which she touched on, among other things, the email controversy. Clearly, Hillary believes that McCarthy’s offhand comment has given her free reign to go on the offensive about the email controversy, because she unleashed what can only be fairly described as an unhinged rant about the entire episode that was full of flat-out delusions and bug-eyed anger.
Guthrie: You mention your Republican rivals making hay of this. . . .
Clinton: Right.
Guthrie: I have to ask you, if the tables were turned, and it was Dick Cheney or Karl Rove who had a private email account and a private server on which they conducted all their government business would you be as understanding?
Clinton: I would never have done that. Look at the situation they chose to exploit, to go after me for political reasons. The death of four Americans in Benghazi. I knew the Ambassador. I identified him. I asked him to go there. I asked the President to nominate him. There have been seven investigations, led mostly by Republicans in the Congress, and they were nonpartisan, and they reached conclusions that, first of all, I and nobody did anything wrong, but there were changes we could make. This committee was set up as they have admitted for the purpose of making a partisan political issue out of the death of four Americans. I would have never done that, and if I were President, and there were Republicans or Democrats who were thinking about that, I would have done everything to shut it down.
There’s an awful lot of crazy to unpack in a single 45 second answer, but let’s start with the fact that Hillary Clinton seems to think that the President has the authority to “shut down” Congressional Committees. As Senator Clinton was so fond of pointing out when she was in Congress and the President was a Republican, Congress is a co-equal branch of government and the President has absolutely no say in how it conducts its own business. I am at a loss as to how Hillary Clinton thinks she would “shut down” a Congressional committee investigation if she were the President.
Of course, since Democrats took control of the White House in 2008, they have developed a number of novel and interesting theories about the President’s authority to dictate how the Congress conducts is business – most notably President Obama’s facially insane (and unconstitutional) assertion that he had the power to determine for Congress whether it was in recess or not. Presumably, from this remark, Clinton believes that she will now have the power to tell Congress what committees it can and can not have, and what investigations can and can’t be conducted in those committees.
The rest of Hillary’s rambling diatribe was no better, sadly. In the first place, she did not even attempt to answer the question that was actually posed to her, which was a surprisingly astute one from Savannah Guthrie. No one who remembers Hillary Clinton’s obsession with Bush administration secrecy (in particular her bizarre fascination with the alleged machinations of Dick Cheney and Karl Rove) would have believed Hillary if she had answered the question “yes,” and answering the question “no” would have damned herself as a hypocrite. So she instead struck out and began to answer a completely different question that she posed to herself in her own head, about whether she would have participated in the committee in the first place.
The gist of her assertion in this regard is that she would never, for political reasons, have participated in a Congressional investigation that involved grandstanding based on the deaths of Americans.
Odd. One wonders, then, what she was doing in 2003 when she herself sought to make political hay out of 9/11 during the 9/11 commission hearings, accusing the Bush Administration (ironically) of hiding documents from the committee.
One likewise wonders what Hillary Clinton was doing in 2003 when she repeatedly engaged in political grandstanding at the expense of the Bush EPA, accusing them of causing the deaths of numerous Americans.
Definitely Hillary Clinton wasn’t taking advantage of the deaths of Americans for TV time when, in 2004, she berated Paul Wolfowitz during Congressional hearings about how many more Americans were going to die in Iraq.
Here is Hillary Clinton, definitely not taking political advantage of American deaths during the course of questioning Gen. David Petraeus in a Congressional hearing:
While we are at it, we might as well observe that a number of Americans died in Hurricane Katrina. Given that, we would expect that Hillary Clinton would have definitely not tried to score political points at their expense, right? Wrong.
The worst thing in this whole video is Hillary’s outrage at this whole scenario. I can’t tell if it’s real or fake, and I don’t know which is worse. I would almost rather it be fake, but I suspect that for once Hillary is showing us a genuine emotion. And what that speaks to is a sense of entitlement so breathtaking that it almost defies comprehension. There’s never been an American death in history that Hillary would not use to her personal advantage. And given her testimony before the Benghazi committee (a la “What difference does it make?”), it’s hard to believe that Hillary is actually very bothered by the deaths of these four Americans.
What really bothers her is not that people would take political advantage of American deaths; what bothers her is that people would question anything she does.
And if it keeps up, she’ll just shut this whole Congress thing down, if she’s elected.
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