This is truly unbelievable. The Main Street Advocacy group, which is a group that was formed by Republican leadership and funded by Republican leadership and their allies, and run by leadership lapdog Steve LaTourette has issued a truly unbelievable ad. The ad backs all the worst people in Congress like [mc_name name=’Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-NC)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’E000291′ ] and it attacks people who objected to the idea that Barack Obama could legally contravene Federal Law via Executive Order:
An outside spending group aligned with the House Republican leadership will run $200,000 in ads defending lawmakers who voted for the long-term Department of Homeland Security funding bill.
The Main Street Advocacy ads, which begin airing Monday night in the Ohio districts represented by Republican Reps. [mc_name name=’Rep. Steve Stivers (R-OH)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’S001187′ ] and [mc_name name=’Rep. Pat Tiberi (R-OH)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’T000462′ ], will air on radio stations in six districts.
“At a time when terrorist groups like ISIS are threatening the American people, it was critical to keep the Department of Homeland Security open and to support the thousands of men and women who put their lives on the line for the rest of us every day,” Steve LaTourette, the group’s president, said in a statement. “Main Street Advocacy and other like-minded groups will continue to be there to support members of Congress who do what’s right and don’t bow to the bullies who seek to lead the Republican Party into a political box canyon on critical issues like this.”
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The spot harshly criticizes “bullies” who linked the vote to fund DHS with attempts to block President Barack Obama’s executive actions on illegal immigrants. Republican supporters of the long-term funding bill argued that, after a federal judge in Texas stopped Obama’s executive action to shield 5 million immigrants from deportation, the DHS funding vote was not a wider referendum on immigration.
Here is one thing the ad gets right, the DHS funding fight was not a wider referendum on immigration. It was a fight about whether Congress still gets to pass the legally binding laws of this nation or whether the President can just order Congress to pass legislation that is to his liking, and then if they refuse, issue an executive order that directly contradicts existing law without any consequences. Regardless of how you feel about immigration, if you believe in the idea that Congress makes laws and the President enforces the laws as written (as, you know, the Constitution sort of strongly suggests), then Congress was absolutely within its rights to take whatever means necessary to thwart the President’s unlawful actions, including use of the power of the purse (which, yes, is still constitutionally Congress’s).
What these morons are defending is the right of Barack Obama to control Congress with absolutely no check whatsoever, as long as Republicans in Congress get to stay in Congress and be feted upon by lobbyists. And to do this they tell the insultingly stupid yet believable lie that failing to don their Presidential kneepads would mean that ISIS was going to infiltrate the country and kill us all.
And they have the nerve to call ordinary citizens who are furious that they got essentially nothing for GOP control of Congress “bullies.”
Make no mistake: this group does nothing without GOP Leadership approving it. This is what they think of you, your intelligence, and whether anything ought to be done to prevent Barack Obama from acting unlilaterally without any check over the next two years.
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