Today’s March for Life was my first. I hope it won’t be my last. I flew to Washington, D.C. to participate in the east coast conference for Students for Life (last week was their west coast conference) and decided to fly out early to attend the March.
I’m so glad I did.
I attended the San Fransisco Women’s March last weekend and the contrast was startling. I found most people at the Women’s March to be upbeat and positive, but the undercurrent was anger and of course there was no lack of vulgarity on display. Not that I mind vulgarity (I actually have a terrible potty mouth…sorry, Dad!), but when you’re marching IN SUPPORT of something it seems that love makes a deeper point than vagina hats.
There was so much genuine compassion and excitement in the air. From the moment I stepped on the train to head into the city I met happy, joyful people on their way to march as well.
I was so glad to meet Kathy from Bowie, MD as she rode the train down the Mall with her family. Kathy has been coming to the March for Life since she was a teenager. Today she is 50 and says her whole family now meets every year and heads to the march together. This year she was thrilled to be taking her newest grandson. Kathy says she marches in support of all life, including those who struggle for sustenance and dignity. She works for Gabriel Network, a Christian-based non-profit that “empowers a committed network of Christian churches to “adopt” pregnant mothers and families in need by providing practical, emotional and spiritual support through pregnancy and beyond. It realizes this mission through three programs: a help line, church-based ministry, and housing ministry. “

As I spoke to Kathy a group of teenagers got on the train, armed with signs and already making the kinds of noises teenagers away from home make when they’re excited. They had come all the way from Missouri.

There were marchers from all over the country and while the crowd was so large it was overwhelming at times, there was nothing on display but happiness and courtesy. The event stage area at the monument was jam packed. When KelleyAnne Conway took the stage the crowd roared. When Vice-President Mike Pence showed up the crowd went insane. He spoke briefly about his love for life and his and his wife’s lifelong support of pro-life issues. He said he was honored to be the first Vice-President to speak at the march and the crowd was very appreciative.
It wasn’t hard to discern that a mention from President Trump and the presence of two of the most important people in his administration provided a huge boon to the marchers. It seemed to provide an energy, a certain sense of “permission” that perhaps hadn’t been visible before.
Of course there were plenty of signs. Not everyone was a pro-Trump conservative. The crowd was filled with feminists and atheists and Catholics and protestants and everyone in between. The only point of agreement was that all life is precious and valuable. Below are some pictures and a bit of video.
It was my honor to attend such an ambitious endeavor as a member of the media. I hope that the Women’s March last week and the endorsement of our President has added some juice to the media coverage. Regardless, the people I met today showed me that even if no media ever covered the event, they would still come, still march, still fight because life will always deserve a defense.

Elizabeth tells us why Harry Potter is pro-life.
These sisters tell us why pro-life is pro-woman.
This was my favorite family of the day. They were so fun and it turns out they’re big fans of Redstate, which makes them great Americans as well. Watch the last 5 seconds of this video for a HUGE pro-life mic drop from a beautiful little girl. Out of the mouths of babes.
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