Watch Cecile Richards Say Planned Parenthood, Which Spent $30 Million To Help Hillary, Is Non-Partisan

Planned Parenthood, and its leader, Cecile Richards, have a habit of lying.

They lie about life inside the womb. They lie about what abortion is and what it does to women. They lie about offering prenatal care/life-affirming ultrasounds. They also lie about their political leanings, which we can clearly see for ourselves.


During a recent MSNBC appearance, Ms. Richards shared her hopes for the new president and his administration.

The transcript from LifeNews, emphasis mine:

MIKA BRZEZINSKI, MSNBC: What do you make of this new administration? This new president? And would you meet with him? Or Ivanka who will be closely involved in women’s issues?

CECILE RICHARDS, PLANNED PARENTHOOD: Well we definitely are hoping that they will look at the important decisions that have to be made about women’s health care including Planned Parenthood. I know that the president himself during the campaign said favorable things about the millions of women who are helped by Planned Parenthood.

I think the important thing here and again I hope the administration maybe is looking at this is, for women this is basic health care. This is not a political statement. And if we really want to do something to build on the progress of reducing unintended pregnancy, reducing even the abortion rate in the United States, reducing teen pregnancy we should actually double down on family planning, including access to Planned Parenthood.

BRZEZINSKI: But you realize you have to cut a deal of some sort with this new administration in some way? Would you come to the table?

RICHARDS: We’re always at the table. I mean we talk to everybody. I mean because Planned Parenthood, we’re non-partisan. We believe the most important thing is is that women in this country get access to the health care that they need.


Oh, look. There’s the lie.

One of the Left’s sacraments is abortion. It is defended without question, and praised as “women’s healthcare” when it is most certainly not. One part of conservatism’s foundation is the deep respect for life and a tireless defense of the unborn. It is a basic element on which other things are built upon. Abortion is partisan issue. The biggest abortion provider in the country, Planned Parenthood, is certainly partisan.

But don’t just take my word for it. Look at the numbers.

During the 2016 election season, Planned Parenthood spent millions in an effort to elect Democrats in general, and Hillary most of all. CBS News reported in October:

In the final stretch of a campaign that has seen a stream of disparaging language about women from the Republican nominee, Planned Parenthood Votes is launching what they say is their most robust get-out-the-vote effort in their history.

It’s no secret that Trump’s field operation pales in comparison to Hillary Clinton’s, but she also has the support of well-organized and data-rich outside groups like Planned Parenthood that have added to the pile on.

In all, Planned Parenthood has spent over $30 million to reach voters throughout this cycle with ads, direct mail, phone banks and one of the largest canvassing operations in the country, they say.


Partisan? I think so. Cecile Richards will claim they’re not, though. She also claims abortion is women’s healthcare, so I wouldn’t take her word for…anything.

This non-partisan talk from Richards is a far cry from the display she and other “nasty women” put on recently during the Women’s March. We have little reason to believe that those words and actions, which discriminate against unborn life, won’t continue.


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