Wait Until Rep. Eric Swalwell Finds Out Who Is Responsible for the Carjackings He's Terrified Of

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Congressman Eric Swalwell, who we occasionally must remind ourselves tried and failed miserably to run for President of the United States, has taken to social media to bemoan the state of crime in California.


In the roughly nine years I spent in the classroom teaching America's Youth, one of the toughest moments that could potentially be the most rewarding was when a student was working their way toward an answer and they were getting closer and closer. As an educator, that moment when the student makes the connection on their own, and you feel all that work teaching them how to do it on their own, generates such a good feeling.

But, it's always the rough patch in the middle when the student is so close, and yet isn't quite able to get there. You want to help them out, give them the answer and let them work backward, but you know that the right thing to do is to let them work it out on their own. I feel we are at this part of the process with the California congressman.

I do feel for Swalwell. I've done the same thing. Granted, carjackings are not a big issue where I live, though I am two hours away from New Orleans and it's a major problem there. But as a parent, you do stop and think about these scenarios. How do you protect your children? What's your escape plan? 

I mean, in Louisiana, the answer is simple: Keep a gun in the car. In California (or Washington, D.C., during those dark days when our legislative branch is actually attempting to do things), that's not really an option thanks to the anti-firearm/anti-Second Amendment atmosphere progressives have constructed there. So, yeah, practicing the very awkward movements necessary to crawl into and through the backseat to get out of the car makes sense when you can't defend yourself.


But it's Swalwell's mention of "soft on violent-crime prosecutors" that intrigues me. It's definitely a partisan issue. I mean, you aren't seeing Republican prosecutors giving a slap on the wrist (or less) to misdemeanor offenders, nor are you seeing them refuse to prosecute some major crimes. But you are seeing this from Democrat prosecutors, like Diana Becton of Alameda County, California. 

Becton, if you'll recall, feels that officers need to consider whether or not looters "needed" the goods they were stealing.

READ MORE: Soros DA Diana Becton Requires Officers Consider Whether a Looter "Needed" Stolen Goods

As one might guess, if looters can get away with just stealing whatever goods they "need," they tend to escalate. Escalation in stealing things usually tends to lead to stealing cars. Surely Swalwell understands this, right?


As I said, it can be frustrating when you know someone is getting close to the solution, but they can't seem to make the connection. What's worse for Swalwell is that his political side won't allow condemnation of a black woman from a white man in power, unless that black woman was a Republican. But no one can accuse Diana Becton of being a Republican.


You'll notice in his tweet that he refers to "soft on violent-crime prosecutors." He's actually trying to separate the issue, which is kind of silly. What prosecutors like Becton do is embolden criminals to escalate. Being soft on any crime makes criminals push the envelope further and further until you go from stealing underwear from Target to stealing cars. It's not as though the thieves are going to be content just stealing from convenience stores.

You're so close, Congressman. If you keep trying, I know you'll get there.


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