New data is showing that working-class voters and Hispanic voters are polling nearly identically on progressive issues. And not in the Democrats’ favor.
Ruy Teixeira announced he is leaving the Center for American Progress and is heading over to the American Enterprise Institute.
Teixeira, whose role in the Beltway scrum often involved arguing against calls to move right on economic issues, insists his own policy views haven’t changed — but says the current cultural milieu of progressive organizations “sends me running screaming from the left.”
“My perspective is, the single most important thing to focus on in the social system is the economic system,” he tells me. “It’s class.” We’re sitting in AEI’s elegantly furnished library. Down the hall, there’s a boisterous event celebrating the conservative intellectual Harvey Mansfield. William Kristol, clad in a suit, has just left the room. Teixeira’s untucked shirt and sneakers aren’t the only thing that seems out of place. “I’m just a social democrat, man. Trying to make the world a better place.”
Teixeira has been one of the progressives raising the alarm for Democrats, trying to get them to realize that their push into far-left and out-of-touch social territory is hurting them badly not just ahead of the midterms, but in future elections as well. While it sounds odd to see Teixeira joining AEI, it goes to show that right-leaning organizations are more open-minded and open to ideas than progressive ones.
Teixeira, in a column written for The Liberal Patriot on Substack, is pointing to some data that spells nothing short of doom for the Democrats in November and beyond. In looking at a recent poll, Teixeira notes that “strong progressives” are largely white, college-educated voters, and their views are drastically different from working class and Hispanic voters in virtually every demographic category.
“America is not the greatest country in the world vs. America is the greatest country in the world. By 66% to 28 %, strong progressives say America is not the greatest country in the world. By 70-23, Hispanics say the reverse &working class voters concur.“
— Christina Sommers (@CHSommers) July 17, 2022
The crosstabs provided by Echelon allow for a comparison of strong progressives’ basic political views with those of Hispanic and working class voters. Here are some examples:
1. America is not the greatest country in the world vs. America is the greatest country in the world. By 66 percent to 28 percent, strong progressives say America is not the greatest country in the world. By 70-23, Hispanics say the reverse and working class voters as a whole concur by 69-23.
2. Racism is built into our society, including into its policies and institutions vs. Racism comes from individuals who hold racist views, not from our society and institutions. Strong progressives are very, very sure of America’s systemic racism, endorsing the first statement by an amazing 94-6 margin. But Hispanics disagree, endorsing the second statement that racism comes from individuals by 58-36, as do working class voters by 57-33.
3. The government should deal with illegal immigration by making it easier to immigrate to the US legally vs. The government should deal with illegal immigration by increasing border security and enforcement. Strong progressives have no doubts on this one, favoring easier immigration by 97-2. Hispanics, however, are split down the middle with 44 percent favoring increased border security and enforcement and 47 percent opting for easier immigration. Working class voters go farther, endorsing more border security and enforcement by 58-32.
4. Transgender athletes should be able to play on sports teams that match their current gender identity vs. Transgender athletes should only be allowed to play on sports teams that match their birth gender. Strong progressives overwhelmingly endorse allowing athletes to play on the sports team that matches their gender identity by 66-19. But Hispanic voters by 64-22 say athletes should only play on teams that match their birth gender; working class voters are almost identical at 63-22.

Hispanic voters and working-class voters are increasingly at odds with strong progressive Democrats, and the latter’s push for social change is also pushing Hispanic voters at a much higher rate than they did working-class voters ahead of 2016. In the year Trump was elected, union households were split on who to vote for, which helped hand blue-collar states to Trump and break the Democrats’ hold over the rust belt.
But now, you have Hispanic voters who not only are disapproving of President Joe Biden and his agenda, but are actively siding with Republicans on key issues. Working-class voters had long been the backbone of Democrats in those rust belt states and Hispanic voters key to Democrats in southern states like Texas, Florida, and elsewhere. But Hispanic voters of all origins started breaking for Republicans — and Trump, in particular — in the last few election cycles. Working-class voters grew upset with the Obama administration attacking factory and mining jobs and flipped to Trump.
The Democrats are being run, though, by the ultra-progressive voices, and the Biden administration is listening solely to them. As a result, social issues are now becoming as much of a divisive issue among these two voter groups as the policies that have been alienating them. The Democratic Party’s response has been to shout down the concerns and go small tent on many social issues rather than allow diversity of thought.
This is going to be an ongoing problem beyond November as the Democrats become more and more unhinged. There’s nothing more insane than closing your doors to more voters, but their retreat into far-left woke-ism and the like is doing just that.
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