Donald Trump Jr. likes to take to Twitter to defend his dad, cheer his dad on, and spike the football when he really and truly believes it deserves to be spiked.
He is just not very clever at this job.
I see, I know him [the president], I’ve seen him my whole life. I’ve seen the things he’s done. You know it’s amazing — all the rappers, all his African-American friends, from Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, have pictures with him.
To be fair, Jr. was doing a really good job in articulating the problem prior to that comment.
To those people who are actually oppressed and hurt by real racism, real sexism. So if you use it every time, what really happens … as people hear it, they roll their eyes and they move on because they realize it’s nonsense. In this case, the problem is when people who are actually affected by it say it doesn’t matter anymore. It’s lost its effect because it’s been numbing to people. You can only overplay your hand so many times before people start calling your bluff, so it’s actually doing nothing on the positive side of being able to promote that as a real issue.
And that’s not a bad point. It is absolutely true that crying “Wolf!” too many times completely desensitizes the public to the actual problems of racism, sexism, etc.
However, when you follow it up with “Besides, all the rappers want pictures with my dad!” you are also trivializing the issue by reducing black culture to just rap. To do so is an actual dog whistle, whether Jr. knows it or not, to folks who use some of the more negative aspects of rap to justify their views toward blacks.
Had Jr. stopped with his criticism of the crying wolf nature of these types of accusations, this wouldn’t be an issue. As it were, he made it about black culture, and when a white dude critiques black culture (rightly or wrongly – in this case “wrongly”), it doesn’t come across very well except to people who look for reasons to make racial points.
I don’t think Jr. intended to make it come across like that, but it is a very, very stupid way to cap off the argument, and reeks of a pampered, white, cultural bubble. Someone at some point in getting the Trumps and their allies prepped for dealing with media should tell them these things.
Or, if they can’t to that, then someone has got to stop this family from talking out loud to people at all.
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