Donald Trump’s former adviser and confidante, Roger Stone, responded to last night’s news dump in the only way he knows how: a complete and total meltdown complete with borderline insane commentary/threats.
Upon hearing the news that Robert Mueller, the special investigator looking into the connections between the Trump campaign and Russia, had secured indictments, Stone went off on everyone he could see commenting about it. It was nothing short of explosive (WARNING: language).
He seemed angry. Like, terrified kind of angry, almost. I wonder if he’s worried about what Mueller could have found on him? I suspect he knows the FBI discovered he looks like Jigsaw from the Saw movies.
Anyway, after this tirade, apparently he caught Twitter’s attention. Some of his tweets did border on the threatening side, so I guess it was a matter of time.
Permanently suspended. That means we will not be seeing Stone’s brand of commentary on social media for a while, sadly.
Seriously, though. Is Mueller gonna bring him down? Or is he just insane?
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