Trump Supporter Roger Stone Accuses Scott Walker of Rigging Elections

In a piece that The Hill for some reason has up at their site, Roger Stone, who has been a huge backer of Donald Trump all throughout this campaign season, writes about how both parties are completely capable of rigging elections. In a paragraph that he uses as proof the Republicans are capable of it, he accuses Scott Walker and Reince Priebus of working together to rig the results of Walker’s recall vote.


As someone with great sentimental attachment to the Republican Party, as I joined as the party of Goldwater, both parties have engaged in voting machine manipulation. Nowhere in the country has this been more true than Wisconsin, where there is irrefutable evidence that Scott Walker and the Reince Priebus machine rigged as many as five elections including the defeat of a Walker recall election.

The source of the “irrefutable evidence” comes from a mathematician who posts his findings to his WordPress blog. There isn’t really any other evidence to go by, and certainly nothing that is, as he says, “irrefutable.” Stone has no real proof that Scott Walker and the Republican Party rigged any Wisconsin (or any other election). He also uses the same logic to accuse the Cruz campaign/Republican Party of the same thing during the Wisconsin Primary. Apparently, a 20-point shift in polling is evidence enough that a primary was rigged by two groups (Cruz and the GOP) who actually don’t have a whole lot of love for each other.



This is once again an attempt to set up the narrative that the election is being and will be stolen from Trump in 2016. They are reading the polls and know what is going to happen, so they’re signaling defeat now and establishing themselves as the victim. It is really, really pathetic, too.


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