Bonus Cartoon: Blue Falcon Tim - REPORTING FOR DUTY!

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

Buried in the kerfuffle over Tim Walz's National Guard embellishments is that Walz is the bottom half of the most radical national ticket – ever. He and Cackles compose a truly awful pairing. Their combined leftism would make George McGovern blush a bright commie red. They should never see the inside of the Oval Office. But with a willing media and an effective campaign of lying and hiding, Harris and Walz have surged in the polls. Why?  


The answer is simple. Most Americans don’t pay attention. We have all seen “man on the street” interviews where the interviewer asks, “Who is the vice president”? A scary number of people a few months ago wouldn’t have known the answer. Now that the human carrot has been shuffled off the stage, the same people might be asked to talk about Kamala Harris. Many “love” Harris’ policies. Asked a follow-up of which policies they like they wouldn’t be able to answer. The left likes the idea of Harris and Walz. Harris is a smart and “joyful” woman, and Walz is a warrior.  Neither of those descriptors is accurate.  

Harris is a word salad aficionado. An incompetent dolt away from a teleprompter. Unless she’s reading her lines, she presents as a dummy — “unburdened” by common sense or any sense. Her past policy positions are radical even by Democrat standards. Her inability to impress and her ability to implode are two main reasons why she dropped out of the 2020 race before Iowa. As a 2020 candidate for president, she was a disaster.  Harris was picked as VP for two immutable characteristics. The color of her skin and her XX chromosomes.  

Tim Walz was apparently picked because he’s a veteran and a loudmouth. Once he was tapped for VP, his lies were exposed. I need not recount, but the bottom line is he blue-falconed his men. There was a process that Walz avoided. Walz didn't tell his most senior Command Sgt Doug Julin that he was submitting his papers. "Suck it Up!" would have been the likely reply from the senior non-com. 


Thomas Behrends, the man who took over for Walz isn't a Walz fan

“You could just see him turn red,” Behrends said of Julin. “That’s what ticked him off the most — the people above him knew [of Walz’s retirement] but he had no idea. Doug got bypassed because, I think, [Walz] knew that he would say ‘no.’

Walz was the only member of his unit to drop out, according to Jon Erickson, a former chief warrant officer with the Minnesota National Guard.

“There’s a process,” said Erickson, 57, who told The Post he personally gave six months’ notice and made it a point to tell his commanding officer when he retired from the Minnesota National Guard.

“We didn’t have anyone who didn’t go to Iraq,” he said. “Everyone was committed.”

Everyone, it seems, except Walz. 

Walz stood in front of constituents and lied about carrying an M4/M16 “in war.” No, he didn’t. Although his sycophants first claimed he didn’t say “in war,” he clearly did. When his staff couldn’t lie about his lie anymore, they claimed he “misspoke.” No, he didn’t. Walz never saw “war,” but he said he had. Walz was never in a combat zone while in the Guard. Claiming he carried a weapon “in war” is the same as claiming he’s a combat veteran. No, he is not.  

Making claims like that at a party to impress is one thing. Bad, but not unusual. Doing it to win an election is reprehensible. And Walz did that. Repeatedly. He lied about what he did in service. No one – and I mean no one is disparaging serving in the National Guard. Walz was a 24-year veteran of the Guard (not 25 years as he once claimed). Good for you, Tim. But Walz has consistently fudged what he “DID” in the Guard and lied about his retirement rank. His blue falconing and lies are what people are upset about, not serving in the National Guard. 


The left is scrambling to defend Walz. Newsweek, a magazine so bad that it sold for $1, recently published an OpEd labeling the facts about Walz as "Swiftboating." Retired Lt General Russel Honoré wrote:

This kind of attack on Tim Walz's military record has a name: swiftboating. It's the same sophisticated smear tactic that was used against John Kerry 20 years ago by the same political consultant who's now working for the opposing campaign. It's untruthful, it's despicable, and it hopefully won't have any bearing on the outcome of the election.

No, sir, it isn't "untruthful." Again, no one — NO ONE — is attacking what Walz actually did. The criticisms are about what he claimed he did, but didn't do. There is no dispute that Walz has claimed he retired as a Command Sgt Major. His congressional "challenge coin" depicts that rank. He didn't complete the work for that rank. Those are facts. Walz never carried a weapon "in war" but claimed he did. That is a fact. 

And this: 

And regardless of what General Honoré claims in his OpEd, Walz almost certainly knew that his battalion was about to be deployed because he was, at the time, acting as a Command Sgt Major. Claiming he didn't have advanced notice just isn't accurate. Those who knew him are in the best position to opine on Walz, and they are not defending Walz. Quite the contrary. 


Honoré doesn't know Walz. Those men do. I will take their opinions over someone who didn't know Walz. And Honoré writes that Walz could have been ordered to deploy with a "stop-loss." Correct — and his commanding officer did not stop loss Walz. That, frankly, speaks volumes, General Honoré. Those are facts. 

More importantly, Tim is a radical leftist. He governs Minnesota with the iron fist of a tyrant when it suits his base’s agenda. During COVID, Walz was at the top of the list of lockdowners, arresting grandmas in the process. He shut down businesses and sent cops into the streets to make sure no one was disobeying his mandates.  

Walz is also fully on board with kids making life-changing and permanent decisions to mutilate their bodies on the altar of transgenderism. If you’re a parent with a confused child, you’d best leave the state because if you don’t “affirm” your child’s gender confusion, Walz’s jackbooters will take your child from you.  

Abortion? Two minutes before a woman gives birth, she can make the decision to abort.  


Then, why did Walz sign a law that allows it?  

Walz’s state is a sanctuary for illegals. All 10 million that the Border Czar and the human carrot let in can hide in Minnesota. Walz is welcoming all who cross the border illegally.  

Walz is a radical. Don’t be fooled by his white hair, round face, and rounding belly, Walz isn’t Santa – he's a radical who shouldn’t be anywhere near the White House.  


I've never won a Pulitzer for cartooning. But I carried a sketch pad in a Holiday Inn once, which is pretty much the same thing as winning a Pulitzer. 


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