Hunter Biden and his baby momma “met” at the ‘Mpire Club’ in Washington DC. She was working, he was throwing money.
The club advertises itself as “DC’s premier high-end gentleman’s club that has proven its unrivaled service. Located in the coveted Golden Triangle Business District… Mpire boasts distinguished clientele for its discrete service and unrivaled exotic entertainment.”
It was between bouts of snorting cocaine off the backs of Russian hookers, shagging the wife of his dead brother Beau, and getting divorced from his wife, that Hunter Biden was frequenting DC strip clubs. In 2017, Page Six reported that Hunter had, among other escapades blown through family money like water through a firehose, leaving his children, wanting. In his soon-to-be-ex-wife’s court pleadings she said:
“Throughout the parties’ separation, [Hunter] has created financial concerns for the family by spending extravagantly on his own interests (including drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs, and gifts for women with whom he has sexual relations), while leaving the family with no funds to pay legitimate bills”
Hunter had maxed out his credit cards and stiffed the maid but what was he really mad about? The accusation that he was going to strip clubs. After the Page Six piece ran, Hunter did what Hunter did best. He blew more money at strip clubs, bought more drugs, and paid more hookers. One of the clubs he frequented was Mpire. Its second floor is where the best customers go. On the second floor, patrons can watch strippers take showers. Classy.
Lunden Roberts (stage name: Dallas) was plying her trade, showering in front of guys on Mpire’s second floor. One of the club’s customers was Hunter Biden. She was from Arkansas and according to her mom, Lunden was in DC to get her Masters in criminal forensics or something. A fellow stripper remembered her as having “a heart of gold and is a smarty-pants”.
It was during this period of Hunter was tossing money at strippers and drug dealers that he had a sexual tryst with Lunden Roberts, aka “Dallas”. The result was a girl named Navy. Shortly after Biden married his present wife, Roberts filed a paternity suit naming Hunter Biden as the father. He denied knowing Roberts. DNA confirmed that he was, in fact, Navy’s father.
Roberts had been chasing Hunter down for child support ever since. When her attorney told his attorney that they would subpoena his financial records and depose him, he relented to the support demand. But Hunter has had a change of heart recently and he wants the amount he is paying for Navy’s support, reduced. Hunter has filed for a reduction, claiming that he’s unemployed. Although his “paintings” are fetching six figures by anonymous bids, Hunter is pleading he is poor. Poor Hunter.
In the midst of Hunter’s legal, moral, ethical, and financial woes, Lunden Roberts wants Navy to carry the Biden name.
Robert has petitioned the Arkansas court handling the paternity case to change Navy’s last name to Biden. According to Roberts, she thinks the child benefit from the “family’s presidential lineage”. In September, Hunter asked the court to lower his child support payments, which seems to open a can of worms for Hunter and his family.
Navy’s mom said of the Biden name:
“[Navy would] benefit from carrying the Biden family name”. [Biden] is now synonymous with being well educated, successful, financially acute, and politically powerful.”
I suppose some of that is true. According to Joe, Hunter is the “smartest man” he knows. And I’ve heard that Joe was on full scholarships to college, while he was crushing it on the football field. He finished Summa Cum Laude, while blindfolded. God’s truth.
I’m not sure that Navy’s mom has thought this through. Yes, I suspect that the Biden name will carry some distinction in the coming decades like the last name Capone carried some cash. I fear that Navy’s future as a “Biden” will be rocky. Some people will appreciate her last name but I think most conversations with be uncomfortable:
“Are you related to Joe Biden?”
“Yes. He’s my grandfather. Hunter Biden is my father.”
“Oh, what are they like? Is Joe as creepy as they say? What is your dad still snorting coke? Is the whole family a bunch of criminals?”
“I don’t know, I’ve never met any of them.”
“So you’re estranged.”
“Yeah, they are pretty strange, I guess.”
If they could make Navy disappear, I have little doubt that they’d leave her and Major in the desert. That, or they’d be “sleepin’ with da fishes”. The Bidens’ are amateurs at handling their loose ends. It’s not they are the Clintons.
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