Another Trump EO: Dept. of Treasury to Phase Out Paper Checks; All Funds Delivery Will Be Electronic Only

AP Photo/Bradley C. Bower, File

There's been a flurry of executive orders today (Tuesday), some already raising the ire of the Left and so-called watchdog groups who don't want their grifts to go away. Looking at you, Stacey Abrams. This Executive Order, Modernizing Payments To and From America’s Bank Account, appears to be passing under the radar; or maybe everyone is just too weary to care.


Here's the skinny

Effective September 30, 2025, the federal government will no longer issue paper checks for any disbursements, including Social Security and other benefits, vendor payments, or IRS refunds. All agencies and executive departments must transition to a form of electronic funds transfer to make and receive payments.

The continued use of paper-based payments by the Federal Government, including checks and money orders, flowing into and out of the United States General Fund, which might be thought of as America’s bank account, imposes unnecessary costs; delays; and risks of fraud, lost payments, theft, and inefficiencies.  Mail theft complaints have increased substantially since the COVID-19 pandemic. Historically, Department of the Treasury checks are 16 times more likely to be reported lost or stolen, returned undeliverable, or altered than an electronic funds transfer (EFT).  Maintaining the physical infrastructure and specialized technology for digitizing paper records cost the American taxpayer over $657 million in Fiscal Year 2024 alone.

This order promotes operational efficiency by mandating the transition to electronic payments for all Federal disbursements and receipts by digitizing payments to the extent permissible under applicable law (but not, for avoidance of doubt, to establish a Central Bank Digital Currency).


The Trump administration plans a comprehensive public awareness campaign to inform the American public about this shift, what options are available to them, and will offer guidance on how to set up digital payments. According to the White House fact sheet, exceptions will be made for those who do not have access to a bank or a means to receive electronic payments, as well as certain emergency payments, certain law enforcement activities, and other special cases that qualify for this exception. They also insist that the Executive Order does not establish a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).

Here is where the administration may be shading the truth. The mere step toward electronic-only interfaces leaves the door wide open to the federal government acquiring the capabilities to monitor Americans' accounts in any way, shape, or form, and also makes it easier to transition to a unified digital currency. Just because the Trump administration has held the line on not establishing CBDC doesn't mean that some administration (Republican, Democrat, or otherwise) won't go down that road.

But in the name of cutting fraud, becoming more nimble and efficient, and ensuring payments are generated appropriately, this could be a slippery slope.


Editor's Note: President Trump is leading America into the "Golden Age" as Democrats try desperately to stop it.  

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