Parkinson's Disease Expert Who Logged White House Visits Donated to Biden's Campaign 44 Times

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

In terms of the Biden administration, it's another day ending in Y for coverups and questionable connections. On Saturday, writer Alex Berenson exposed that White House visitor logs revealed a Parkinson's specialist had visited 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue eight times


Adding injury atop the insult that the Biden administration and the legacy media have been covering up the sitting president's cognitive decline for what appears to be quite some time, this Parkinson's specialist, Dr. Kevin Cannard, is also a financial contributor to the Biden campaign and has been since 2020.

Related: BREAKING: White House Releases Letter From President Biden's Physician Regarding Neurologist's WH Visits

The Story of Parkinson's Neurologist's White House Visits Gets More Involved

This is clown world, and we're living in it.

The Parkinson’s expert who has evaluated President Biden — logging eight different visits to the White House in as many months — is also among his donors, records show.

Dr. Kevin Cannard, a top neurologist at Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington, DC, has made a slew of small donations to the 81-year-old’s campaign that date back to February 2020, according to Federal Election Commission filings.

His contributions, first reported by the Washington Examiner, total just over $3,300 — with the last check being cut in May, the records show.

Details of Cannard’s donations emerged after the White House admitted Monday that the neurologist has evaluated Biden, saying it was part of his annual physicals.


The Washington Examiner went through the FEC filings and documented 44 small donations, as recently as May 30, totaling $3,300. Small potatoes in terms of political donations but consistent—he's been donating to Biden since the 2020 campaign. 

Cannard’s largest single donation to Biden, $500, was in April, according to campaign finance disclosures. He also donated to the president’s campaign on Jan. 26 of this year — the same day White House visitor logs show Cannard met with Megan Nasworthy, who coordinates primary care for Biden.

The FEC records also show Dr. Cannard donated to a Democrat candidate in Iowa who ran against Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley. 

Our Managing Editor Jen Van Laar reported on a letter from Dr. Kevin O’Connor, the president's personal physician, addressing the eight visits from Dr. Cannard. She wrote, "The White House must be spooked to release this letter so late at night, and it's doubtful that this letter will assuage anyone's concerns."

She's right. Now they have made matters worse because this specialist is also a committed donor to Biden's political war chest. It screams of conflict of interest and whether any of his medical findings, if revealed, should even be trusted. 


“Given that the Parkinson’s disease expert who met with Dr. O’Connor is a Biden donor, Americans should be rightly troubled by the potential clouding of the validity of both the President’s medical assessments and mental state,” Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-GA) told the Washington Examiner. “These medical professionals should be open and forthright with the American people and not be attempting to score political points by concealing vital information about the health of our commander-in-chief.”

This whole debacle is about nothing but scoring political points at the expense of America. Whoever is running the country, it is clear they do not care.


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