
Roman Balmakov's 'No Farmers, No Food' Exposes a Global Agenda Against Our Food Supply

Roman Balmakov

Journalist and senior correspondent Roman Balmakov is probably the most recognizable face of The Epoch Times and its visual media arm, EpochTV. Balmakov hosts the program Facts Matter, where he deep dives into a particular political or cultural issue and lays out the facts surrounding that topic, rather than doing the typical cable news format of featuring a lineup of talking head experts and analysts who opine on the issue. What I also like about his program is that Balmakov attaches his research and notes in the video so that anyone can dig deeper into the information for themselves. 

It was one of those deep dives into the farmer protests in places like the Netherlands and Canada that Balmakov recognized a pattern of facts: Government, whether through policy, laws, or regulation, was squeezing farmers' ability to produce food. Generations of families who had worked and managed their land for decades, if not centuries, were suddenly unable to produce, pay their bills, or feed their own families. Balmakov is a young man, so he had the drive, energy, and his publication's backing to travel around the world and investigate this looming global food crisis. A crisis that is pretty much being ignored by most of the legacy media.

The result of his year-long deep dive is an Epoch Times original documentary premiering on Monday: No Farmers, No Food: Will You Eat The Bugs? I sat down with Balmakov last week to discuss his journey of discovery and why we should be very afraid about what the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, and other globalist elites have planned for us.


The thought of a world where we are forced to eat bugs is sickening, and we know that Klaus Schwab, who looks like he never missed a meal in his life, is not going to be incorporating bugs into his diet. It's all on us, and the latest globalist push is to force you and me to do this in the name of saving the planet. Balmakov does an able job of exposing this not-so-hidden agenda behind global so-called green policies, like the nitrogen restrictions being imposed in the Netherlands, and the untold stories of farmers who are being forced out of business because of them. Balmakov points to how this disruption already occurring in the food supply will only grow worse, while edible bugs are being promoted and marketed as THE solution. 


Like my guns, they can pluck my bacon and steak out of my cold, dead hands. Sadly, they may be willing to have it come to that. If you haven't noticed, food prices have skyrocketed, and portions of shelves are empty. Despite the toxic composition and faulty processing, fake meat is continually being pushed alongside the real thing. The clueless complain a little, but mostly just keep on trucking, particularly the urban dwellers as Balmakov noted,

Oftentimes people in urban centers, in the cities, they kind of forget about that fact and they vote for government policies that actually handcuff farmers and just strip them of any ability to provide a living for themselves.

Lest we also forget, American farmers are equally under attack. Thankfully, we have a U.S. Constitution and a legal system that was geared to favor the landowner. However, those lovely urban dwellers and low-information voters who already own nothing continue to make inroads to destroy the sovereignty of not only generational land ownership but their ability to earn a living off their land.

In California, Governor Gavin Newsom has made moves to destroy the water supply that flows from the Klamath River, supposedly for the sake of the Cohe salmon. Five years ago, it was the Delta Smelt. Their playbook is nothing new, and they make no attempt to be subtle. Save the planet, ruin people's lives.

Right now, they're having in on the Klamath River, which is sort of in the north part of the state. They have the Klamath Dam removal project. It's the largest dam removal project in the world. And they're doing it to supposedly save this salmon, the Coho salmon. I know this example very well because we went there and we talked to the local ranchers we featured in the documentary. They're trying to save this Coho salmon by removing this dam, but there's so many questions like, Did the Coho salmon ever even swim in this area? Like, the only example they have of it is this 1907 image. It's super black and white grainy, and it shows a bunch of farmer—bunch of fishermen holding up fish that look like salmon. But like you, you don't know. And they're using that as the evidence for the Coho salmon being there for like, 100 years. But in the process of that dam removal project, they're destroying the local community. I mean, the water situation there is just abhorrent. So, all the local ranchers are telling me their property is worthless. They're going to have to wind up selling it at a complete loss. You mentioned how the federal government is gonna destroy the homestead. Well, this is one of the ways. Like, if you can pull the water, well, I mean, a homestead without water rights is worthless, right?

But places like Florida, Texas, and Alabama have homestead laws that protect the rights of the landowners against government overreach and lawsuits. No surprise that many blue state dwellers are flocking to these red states. But despite these stronger protections, our federal government finds ways, both insidious and overt, to undermine these protections. 


The end-goal of all this: Return the country back to industrial revolution overcrowding and ghettos. The UN's Agenda 2030 touts so-called sustainable development in order to save the planet, but what they are really concerned with is removing individual freedom and choice. You will own nothing, eat the bugs, and be happy... or else. As Balmakov indicates, while no one can point to an organized "global" agenda per se, the policies being pushed by governments around the world are geared towards stripping autonomy and gaining control.


No Farmers, No Food: Will You Eat the Bugs? premieres September 25 on EpochTV. It is a compact, one-hour documentary that lays out the facts in sobering and sometimes frightening detail. Well worth your time, and an essential tool in understanding how to maintain your own individual liberties, which is our right given by God and our U.S. Constitution. 

As Balmakov encourages at the end of each Facts Matter program, "Stay informed. But most importantly, stay free."


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