
How Progressives Manipulate People Into Accepting Gender Ideology

Students in classroom. (Credit: Unsplash/Taylor Flowe)

We have to give it to ‘em – the progressive left is full of masters of manipulation. They have perfected the art of convincing, cajoling, and even coercing people to accept their ideas, no matter how batty or destructive they are.

This truth is most evident in the national initiative to use school districts to not only indoctrinate children into their warped ideas on gender, race, and other subjects but also to push parents not to push back on these efforts.

I ran across an article on the Substack: Parents with Inconvenient Truths About Trans (PITT), which features stories from parents dealing with the campaign to indoctrinate children into progressive gender ideology.

In the article, the author details a “Month of Kindness” initiative at the local school district where they are employed. The initiative is ostensibly aimed at encouraging students to be kind to one another. This sounds wonderful at first glance, but in this day and age, we are unfortunately in a position in which we must be skeptical of even the most benign of endeavors.

I work for my local school district. Currently, the entire district is celebrating a “Month of Kindness.” Every school is decked out in decorations and posters with messages like, “Be Kind”, “One Kind Act a Day,” and “Be the ‘I’ in Kind.” Teachers are wearing kindness t-shirts, and all students and employees have wristbands.

Your reaction, like mine, to a school district promoting kindness might be “Ugh!” Before trans-ideology hit my house and my family I would have welcomed the opportunity to help spread kindness at school. It would never have crossed my mind that telling kids to “be kind” could be problematic. But not anymore.

The reason for the author’s skepticism comes from seeing how her district has used this type of messaging to promote agendas that might not align with the values parents want their children to learn.

The author lays out several examples showing how the district has tried to force gender ideology on children. They recalled an incident where a boy expressed discomfort about a trans-identified student using the boy’s restroom. The school responded by accusing the boy of harassment.

“The boy was framed as a harasser, with no mention that this boy was actually experiencing sexual harassment himself by being obligated to be in a state of undress in front of a female student,” the author explained.

In another example, the author explained that “there is a trans-identified child in a 4th grade classroom in my district masquerading as the opposite sex and that some parents with kids in the class know the truth, but the students in the class do not.”

The author said, “At least one mom is incredibly worried about losing her own son’s trust when he finds out she knew and didn’t tell him.”

The district’s approach to “kindness” seems to exclude certain students. The author pointed out that while there is a focus on protecting students who identify as LGBTQ or belong to other so-called “protected classes,” straight, white male students are notably absent from the district’s efforts.

“Every student in the district belongs to one protected class or another, except for straight, white male students who must then, by default, be the harassers,” the author wrote.

Doesn’t sound very “inclusive,” does it?

Even further, the district has invited outside voices to further advance this agenda, according to the article. “An ‘expert on LGBTQ+ students’ has been invited to give a presentation at an annual statewide Outreach Conference I will be attending,” the author wrote.

The agenda here is easy to see, is it not?

The employee now questions the true meaning of “kindness” being promoted by the school, as they should, because it is clearly an effort to manipulate people into supporting progressive gender ideology being promoted in schools.

The message is subtle but implicit: Being kind means accepting the idea that one can change their gender/sex. If you don’t believe men can become women and vice versa, then you are not a kind person, plain and simple.

It’s already bad enough that they are doing this to shame parents into allowing schools to indoctrinate their children into gender ideology and other progressive ideas; they are also using this tactic to influence young minds, telling children that they must also be “kind.”

It’s even more insidious because adults can use critical thinking to understand the tactic that is being used on them. Children, in most cases, cannot. Their minds are far more vulnerable to this type of manipulation – and those pushing this agenda know it.

The “Month of Kindness” initiative in a local school district may seem like an innocent effort to promote good values, but the reality is far more sinister. It is a wholesale effort to shame parents into going along with the ideology while also influencing young minds to believe that agreeing with the ideology means one is being kind.

This means more parents must be brave enough to challenge this idea. They have to not only refuse to fall for the manipulation but call it out. This tactic can only be defeated when people are willing to push back against it vocally.


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