
Why Are Anti-Trumpers Surprised at Nikki Haley Voting for Trump?

AP Photo/Chris Carlson

Former U.N. Ambassador and presidential candidate Nikki Haley recently announced that she will vote for former President Donald Trump, and folks in the anti-Trump camp are getting their collective underoos in a twist.

Shortly after Haley declared her intention to pull the lever for her former opponent, several left-leaning outlets and anti-Trump figures began their usual wailing and gnashing of teeth over her voting decision.

Their reactions were so hysterical one has to ask: What the hell did they expect her to do?

After months of playing coy about who she would support in the upcoming election, Haley on Wednesday finally spilled the proverbial beans:

Haley announced her intention to vote for Trump during a conversation at the Hudson Institute.

“I will be voting for Trump,” she said at the event. “Having said that, I stand by what I said in my suspension speech. Trump would be smart to reach out to the millions of people who voted for me and continue to support me.”

Read More: Nikki Haley Says She'll Vote for Trump - Will Her Voters Do the Same?

It was this statement that sent folks into a tizzy. Let’s start with columnist David Frum of The Atlantic, who wrote a diatribe in which he suggested that Haley “surrendered,” but her supporters did not. In the piece, he argues that Haley supporters “voted for her as a way to stop Donald Trump,” and her announcement won’t “raise their opinion of him” but “will only lower their opinion for her.”

Frum then points to polls suggesting that most of Haley’s supporters would rather back President Joe Biden than Trump, and that these people will support the president at the ballot box.

In another piece, Daily Beast columnist Matt Lewis said Haley “caved to Trump and depressed every conservative Never Trumper who pulled the lever for her.”

Lewis touches on Haley’s history of being critical of Trump before the 2016 election, but then serving under him in the White House. “When it comes to Trump, Haley is conflicted, inconsistent, and unstable,” he wrote. “Whether ambition or cowardice are to blame is unclear.”

Of course, no article about the most recent leftist meltdown would be complete without referencing the know-nothing harpies on ABC’s “The View.” Co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin said:

“I am disappointed but I’m not surprised. I lost all faith in all politicians quite some time ago. Maybe I’m being petty but if someone attacked my  intelligence, my family, my marriage and American democracy I probably wouldn’t then go back and support them and them military. Listen, Haley voters feel betrayed. A quick scan of her Instagram comments on this post itself and it’s just we feel betrayed by you. You told us why we should be fearful of him and now you flipped on it. I have always believed that the Haley voters actually were with her she was an aviator for something other than Trump.”

Last, and probably least, we have Cryin’ Adam Kinzinger™, who also complained about Haley’s decision. “Not a surprise but: Pathetic,” the weepy-eyed joke of a human being wrote in a post on X:

Given their neverending obsession with the Orange Man What Is Bad™, it is not exactly shocking that these people would not approve of Haley’s decision. But as I asked earlier, what the hell did they expect?

Perhaps they expected Haley to follow the footsteps of Kinzinger and turn full Democrat. It seems they believed Haley suffers from TDS as badly as they do.

It is also worth speculating that their anger likely stems from what Frum alluded to in his piece: They are hoping her supporters will defect and support the geriatric authoritarian who currently occupies the White House.

Yes, they supported Haley because they dislike Trump. But if she throws her support behind the former president, there could be a decent chance that a significant chunk of her voters will hold their nose and vote for him. This is what is fueling the hysteria. Given the likelihood that this will be a close race, their fears are understandable. If their guy is going to win this thing, he needs all the support he can get.


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