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When Seconds Count: Good Samaritan With a Gun Stops Assailant From Beating Elderly Man to Death

AP Photo/Alan Diaz, File

It started as an ordinary day at Woody's Smokehouse in Centreville, Texas. Soon, a violent individual brought chaos into the establishment. An elderly man in the restaurant could have lost his life that day. Luckily, a good Samaritan with a gun intervened and prevented what could have been a needless tragedy.


The Leon County Sheriff's Office, on Tuesday, published an announcement detailing a confrontation with Kevin Craig Anderson, who entered the restaurant and began assaulting an elderly man in the restroom. Here's how it went down:

While inside, Kevin Anderson aggressively approached several customers inside the store and then proceeded to walk into the restroom. Subsequent investigation revealed that once inside the restroom, Kevin Anderson began assaulting an elderly male knocking him unconscious onto the tile floor and continued assaulting him.

A Licensed to Carry Holder attempted to intervene the assault on the unconscious victim.The License to Carry Holder was then assaulted by Kevin Anderson, knocking him to the floor and continuing to assault him. At which time the License to Carry Holder fired two rounds, striking Kevin Anderson once in the right arm. Kevin Anderson then fled from the restroom, exited the business and fled the scene in his vehicle.

Kevin Anderson was located parked on the shoulder of IH-45, near the 174 mile-marker.He was transported by helicopter to St. Joseph E.R. in Bryan and then later transported to Hermann Memorial Hospital in Houston to be treated for his injuries. One victim was transported to St. Joseph’s Hospital where he was treated for his injuries.


Diana Wood, co-owner of the restaurant, expressed her gratitude that the situation had a favorable outcome for the victims. 

Prayers for my team and customers that were involved would be greatly appreciated. We are thankful to law enforcement for the fast service and the capture of the attacker,” said Diana Wood. “I’m thankful for the blood of Jesus that I pray daily over our team, our customers, our community, and the team of praying employees that unit with me each day in agreement for protection.

As we are reflecting, we asked ourselves what could have been the outcome if those prayers and cover was not implemented. Praises to God for the covering of everyone. If I ever had something to preach it would be today and it would be now. Cover your family, your friends, your work, and your school with the blood of Jesus before you walk out of your house each day.

Here is yet another story illustrating how important the Second Amendment is to maintaining a free society. A responsible citizen with a firearm is typically the first line of defense if a violent person seeks to victimize innocent people. In situations like this, being armed can make all the difference -- especially when it comes to saving lives.


Those who support laws making it harder for people like the hero of this story to keep and bear arms would have left the elderly victim in a position in which he would have had to wait for law enforcement to arrive. By then, it could have been too late if the other patrons were unable to stop the alleged assailant.

You can read the Leon County Sheriff's Office's press release below:

Leon County Sheriff's O... by KBTX


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