This might seem like another “water is wet” type of story, but it still further illustrates what many already know about social media giants like Twitter. After having its bombshell story about Hunter Biden suppressed on the site, the New York Post has published an article exposing virulently anti-Trump views.
According to the Post’s analysis of Twitter’s senior executives’ accounts, “The venom, vitriol and, in some cases, vows to help Joe Biden across the finish line in next month’s presidential election continue to live online as the company earlier this week decided to censor The New York Post’s revelations about Hunter Biden’s emails to a consultant for the Ukrainian energy company Burisma.”
One manager posted a tweet stating that he wanted to see Biden “crush [Trump] in the election” and that he hoped the president would “be utterly humiliated while also suffering greatly from #COVID19.” He also made a post in which he hoped the president would be put on a ventilator.
But most telling was a tweet in which this manager lauded the company’s efforts against Trump on its platform and the campaign to stop the spread of “misinformation.” He wrote, “I’m really proud of how quickly we’ve worked to make this possible for the US elections.”
Some of the others actually wished harm on President Trump. An engineering manager at Twitter hoped that Trump would “die in a fire” in a January 2017 tweet. At the beginning of 2018, he tweeted, “Happy 2018! Donald Trump is dead!”
The New York Post noted that “none of these comments have ever been flagged by Twitter or been subject to any other form of official sanction, even as the social-media giant dishes out discipline to others for sharing legitimate news stories that might hurt Biden.”
The article observes that a “consistent theme” among top Twitter employees is “a desire to see Trump defeated.” one worker cried after Trump was elected in 2016 and vowed to oppose him. Another announced that he was phone banking for Biden. A vice president at the company chimed in when a fly landed on Mike Pence’s head during his debate with Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), noting that flies are “drawn to sh*t.”
Still another employee posted a tweet telling her audience that her dog was a part of the resistance. “Every night my dog takes a crap on the lawn of the one house on our street with a Trump sign,” she declared.
The list goes on and on.
GOP strategist Chris Barron told The Post that “It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why they only selectively enforce these rules. It’s because the people who work there all believe the same things.” He added, “A liberal [verified account] never has to pay a price for advocating violence.”
Barron is correct, of course. We have seen the obvious bias at Twitter for years now. But it became even more brazen when the company blocked the sharing of The Post’s story that detailed possibly damaging information against Biden. Perhaps this will be an issue that will come up if GOP senators subpoena Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey?
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