The Lincoln Project is at it again.
In their bid to see President Trump defeated in November, the cabal of alleged Republicans who want to destroy the GOP’s destroyed have formed a hot and fresh new coalition of women to influence female voters to choose former Vice President Joe Biden. The group has been working overtime to ensure Democratic victories in the executive and legislative branches.
The new group is called the Lincoln Project’s Women’s coalition (how original) and will urge female voters to cast their votes for Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris, his running mate. Jennifer Horn, a co-founder of the Lincoln Project released a statement announcing its intentions.
“Women will decide the outcome of this election. The coalition is dedicated to uniting all women who recognize the threat this President poses to the future of our Republic and turning them out to vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris,” she wrote. “The future of our families, our communities and our country lie in our hands.”
The group, which is made up of 19 anti-GOP women, will be holding a virtual town hall on Wednesday that will be live-streamed on various social media platforms. Along with Horn, GOP Strategist Susan Del Percio and Hawaii state House Minority Leader Beth Fukumoto will be hosting the event. Jennifer Rubin, who plays a conservative journalist for The Washington Post is also expected to participate.
“The past four years have been exhausting for women,” Del Percio said in a released statement. “We are fearful for the health and safety of our families, we are tired of constant lies and bullying from the Oval Office, and we are frustrated with trying to make decisions for the wellbeing of our families without accurate information. It is time to bring humanity, empathy, leadership, dignity, and respect back to the White House and I am proud to join this group of strong women in that fight.”
As much as I hate to admit it, this is a smart move on the part of the anti-Trump crowd. The president has been struggling to win over female voters. An average of national polls demonstrates that women favor Biden by a whopping 23 percentage points.
Even worse, working-class white women are not supporting at the same levels as they did in 2016. Trump enjoyed a 27 point lead over Hillary Clinton among this voting group. However, he currently has only a 6 point lead over Biden with working-class white women.
The fact that Biden picked Sen. Harris as his running mate will make it even harder for the president to win over women voters. As I pointed out in a previous piece, Harris was not chosen to appeal to black voters; She was selected to win over white liberals — especially white moderates.
It is unclear how much success the Lincoln Project is having. Of course, the Democrats and their allies in the corporate media are pushing this group as hard as they can. But do these groups actually have any power on the right? Do they carry any real influence? Or are they just a gaggle of impotent actors that allow the left to say “See? Even Republicans don’t like Trump! Orange Man Bad?”
It’s too early to tell. But we will certainly get our answer in November.
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