The left spends far more time denigrating Christianity (they treat Scientology with more respect) than they do extolling its virtues. However, whenever Jesus can be worked into a debate to fit their political agenda, they exalt Him the way a Baptist preacher would during Sunday services.
When Barack Obama was running for President in 2007/2008 and people were rightly mocking his time as a community organizer (aka rabble-rouser) people began comparing him to Jesus laughingly claiming “Jesus was a community organizer.” The comparison only made sense to the addle brained sycophants who actually did believe Obama was like Jesus but practically, it made zero sense. Jesus never ran for President and His mission while on earth was about getting people to follow Him, not pressuring the local temple for low interest loans.
During all of the gay wedding cake kerfuffles, we were constantly bombarded with the notion that “Jesus would bake the cake.” The same people who thought it was abhorrent Christian business owners would refuse to participate in a wedding based on religious freedom objections (remember they were not refusing to serve gay customers but rather, refusing to enter into a contractual obligation to take part in a ceremony) were loudly proclaiming “Peace, Love, Dope Jesus” would be throwing an apron on and baking the cake with the Village People blasting on the boombox in the kitchen. The fact is, Jesus had far more important things to do. And that’s for starters. In addition, in any reading where Jesus is discussing marriage, He always spoke of marriage between a man and woman. That’s not hate. That’s simply the truth.
That latest incarnation of hippie Jesus comes in the form the Syrian refugee debate. Most Republicans and some Democrats as well as a large majority of Americans want the Syrian refugee program tightened with respect to security and/or put on hold until such security clearances can be put in place. This is not an outrageous demand but naturally, it is being met in some quarters with the shrillness of a thousand harpies all screaming at once. Then comes the “Jesus was a refugee” blather. Here is an example courtesy of Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times:
As anti-refugee hysteria sweeps many of our political leaders, particularly Republicans, I wonder what they would have told a desperate refugee family fleeing the Middle East. You’ve heard of this family: a carpenter named Joseph, his wife, Mary, and their baby son, Jesus.
Nick begins with the obvious logical fallacy, the straw man. Nobody is “anti-refugee.” People merely want more rigorous checks to be sure some of these refugees won’t try to blow something up while they are here. Then he dives into the the arena of the absurd to declare Jesus was a refugee. This is a ridiculous thing to say because nothing that happened with Jesus, occurred by chance. He was sent here for a specific purpose. Everything that happened in His life was foretold and it happened for a reason.
I know the left likes the idea of the sad, stoic Jesus who cries all the time, wears flowing robes and is a “live and let live” sensitive soul who really would have loved living in San Francisco in the late 60’s. But allow me to clear up some misconceptions:
1. Yes, Jesus did preach about grace and mercy. But Jesus was not the touchy feely sort who told people they could do whatever they wanted. In fact he often said, “Sin, no more.” Jesus, in the sermon on the mount said He came not to abolish the law, but to fulfill it. And He did. Jesus loved the law. Revered it. More importantly, He obeyed it. He fulfilled it paid with His life because the rest of us losers could never live up to that standard. Not only did Jesus not water down the 10 commandments, He held people to a higher standard. For example, Jesus said hating a man was just as bad as killing him.
2. Jesus was a badass. He was the son of a carpenter, and a carpenter himself. Chances are, in human form, he was more like Mike Rowe whereas liberals see him more like Nathan Lane. Sure, he had a sensitive and emotional side. But he also flipped tables in the temple courts, drove demons out of men, walked on water and raised the freaking dead. He told off the Pharisees and dared to hang out with people that elite would look down upon. He faced torture and a painful death without fear. The bottom line is, I am not going to worship somebody I can beat up nor will I reduce my Lord and Savior to being some metrosexual drip.
The left cannot defend their policies using reason and facts. This is why they are continually reduced to expressing the silly notion Jesus would be on their side with his tambourine and tie-dye, wagging his finger at the meany conservatives who don’t agree with the Nicholas Kristof’s of the world.
To the left, I say go ahead and make your case for whatever goofball position you want on a particular policy.
But leave Jesus out of it.
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